
Showing posts with the label eternity

Here and Now with Francis 8/8/16 (Christ, vigilance, expectation, time, eternity)

May the Virgin Mary help us to be persons and communities not focused on the present, or, worse, the nostalgic about the past, but turned towards the future of God, towards the encounter with him, our life and our hope. From the angelus Earlier, the pope had commented the Gospel reading of the day (Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, C) concerning three parables on vigilance (Lk, 12:32-48). "The first,” he explained, “is the parable of the servants who wait during the night for the return of the master. ‘Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival’ (v. 37). It is the blessedness of waiting with faith for the Lord, of getting ready in an attitude of service. He becomes present every day, knocking on the door of our heart. And blessed will be those who open it because they will have a great reward: for the Lord himself will be the servant of his servants; in the great feast of his Kingdom, he will himself serve them. “With this parable, set at ni...

Library Booklist (H:fS3b)

Living the Truth in Love by +Benedict Ashley On Heaven and Earth by Jorge Mario Bergoglio Generating Traces in the History of the World by Luigi Giussani The Risk of Education by Luigi Giussani Simon, Called Peter by Mauro Lepori Temporal and Eternal  by Charles Peguy Faith Hope Love by Josef Pieper

Library Booklist (H:fS3f)

Life Promises Life by Vincent Nagle gratis Simonetta The Portal of the Mystery of Hope by Charles Peguy   gratis Andrew Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life by Joseph Ratzinger