
Showing posts with the label evil

Here and Now with Francis 3/21/16 (Christ, cross, humility, kenosis, love, mercy, evil, crucifixion)

Let us walk this path, pausing in these days to gaze upon the Crucifix; it is the “royal seat of God”.  I invite you during this week to gaze often upon this “royal  seat of God”, to learn about the humble love which saves and gives life. From the Palm Sunday 2016 homily [W]e cannot love without letting ourselves be loved by him first, without experiencing his surprising tenderness and without accepting that true love consists in  concrete service. [...]  Even as every form of justice is denied to him, Jesus also experiences in his own flesh indifference, since no one wishes to take responsibility for his fate.  And I  think of the many people, so many outcasts, so many asylum seekers, so many refugees, all of those for whose fate no one wishes to take responsibility. [...]  Jesus, however, even here at the height of his annihilation, reveals the true face of God, which is mercy.  He forgives those who are crucifying him, he opens the...

Library Booklist (L:gLB3)

Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt The End of Ideology by Daniel Bell  The Image Or What Happened to the American Dream by Daniel Boorstin  Darwin and the Modern View by John Greene  Markings by Dag Hammarskjold