
Showing posts with the label experience

#gabitaykoRefEd: Experience, Reason, Reality

(Paul Klee.  At the Core , 1935) Experience itself, in its totality, shows the way to an authentic understanding of the term reason or rationality. Indeed, reason is that singular event of nature in which it – reason – reveals itself as the operative need to explain reality in all of its factors so that we are introduced to the truth about things. In this way, reality emerges within experience and  rationality illuminates the factors within it. To say “rational” is to affirm the transparency or intelligibility of human experience, its substance and depth. Rationality is critical transparency of our human experience: “critical” means according to an all-encompassing view. (Luigi Giussani, The Religious Sense , p. 101 )

Broadening Reason about

Time [Read Full Text]

Leopardi says...of young people and experience

I’ve noticed (and I have more than one example in mind) that young people who aren’t poor, or haven’t been crushed or disheartened by poverty, people with healthy and hardy physiques, courageous and busy, capable of looking after themselves and with little or no need, or rather little or no desire, for help from others, or for the physical or moral support of others, at least not as a rule; young people still untouched by misfortune, or rather (since just being   born   means suffering), touched only in such a way that thanks to the energy of their youth and constitution and the freshness of their mental energies, they have been able to shrug it off on their own, and pay little attention to it; young people like this, as I was saying, although on the one hand they won’t tolerate the slightest insult, have a tendency to lose their tempers and are more inclined than most to make fun of others, present or absent, and to be overbearing more often than not, both in the way they s...

Jorge Luis Borges and His Financial Condition

From     [Full text]

Books sorted (by/on Luigi Giussani)

The Religious Sense by Luigi Giussani At the Origin of the Christian Claim by Luigi Giussani Why the Church? by Luigi Giussani The Risk of Education by Luigi Giussani Generating Traces in the History of the World by Luigi Giussani The Journey to Truth Is an Experience by Luigi Giussani A  Generative Thought: Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani ed. Elisa Buzzi Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 1 by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 2, Hope by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 3, Charity by Luigi Giussani The Work of the Movement: The Fraternity of Communion and Liberation

Library Booklist (H:fS3b)

Living the Truth in Love by +Benedict Ashley On Heaven and Earth by Jorge Mario Bergoglio Generating Traces in the History of the World by Luigi Giussani The Risk of Education by Luigi Giussani Simon, Called Peter by Mauro Lepori Temporal and Eternal  by Charles Peguy Faith Hope Love by Josef Pieper

Library Booklist (H:cS3f)

A  Generative Thought: Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani ed. Elisa Buzzi gratis CL Together on the Road by Massimo Camisasca gratis CL At the Service of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Joseph Fessio Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 1, Faith by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 2, Hope by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 3, Charity by Luigi Giussani gratis CL The Journey to Truth Is an Experience by Luigi Giussani gratis CL Why the Church? by Luigi Giussani gratis Ambrogio