
Showing posts with the label food

C. S. Lewis and Turkish Delight

From JSTOR Daily

Here and Now with Francis 6/14/16 (food, hunger, poverty, solidarity, sympathy, charity)

We need to be reminded that food discarded is, in a certain sense stolen, from the table of poor and the starving. From the address We need to be reminded that food discarded is, in a certain sense stolen, from the table of poor and the starving.We live in an interconnected world marked by instant communications.  Geographical distances seem to be shrinking.  We can immediately know what is happening on the other side of the planet.  Communications technologies, by bringing us face to face with so many tragic situations, can help, and have helped, to mobilize responses of compassion and solidarity.  Paradoxically though, this apparent closeness created by the information highway seems daily to be breaking down.  An information overload is gradually leading to the “naturalization” of extreme poverty.  In other words, little by little we are growing immune to other people’s tragedies, seeing them as something “natural”.  We are bombarded by so man...



Books sorted (wine, food, cigar)

The Taste of Wine by Jilly Goolden   The Commonsense Book of Wine by Leon D. Adams The Philosopher's Diet by Richard Watson   The Red, White and Rose of Wines by William Masse Schott's Food and Drink Miscellany by Ben Schott Guide to Cigars by Jane Resnick