
Showing posts with the label gift

Here and Now with Francis 4/27/16 (Christ, baptism, laity, clericalism, vocation, Church, gift)

To look continually at the People of God saves us from certain slogans that are beautiful phrases but which do not succeed in supporting the life of our communities. From a message To look at the Holy People faithful of God and to feel an integral part of them positions us in life and, therefore, in the subjects we address in a different way.  This helps us not to fall into reflections that can be very good in themselves but that end up by functionalizing the life of our people or theorizing so much that  speculation ends by killing action. To look continually at the People of God saves us from certain slogans that are beautiful phrases but which do not succeed in  supporting the life of our communities. [...]  To look at the People of God is to remember that we all entered the Church as lay people. The first Sacrament, the one that seals our identity forever and of which  we should always be proud is Baptism. By it and with the anointing of the Holy Spiri...

Here and Now with Francis 11/26/15 (creation, protection, gift, responsibility, Africa)

From an address in Kenya  Kenya has been blessed not only with immense beauty, in its mountains, rivers and lakes, its forests, savannahs and semi-deserts, but also by an abundance of natural resources. The Kenyan people have a strong appreciation of these God-given treasures and are known for a culture of conservation which does you honour. The grave environmental crisis facing our world demands an ever greater sensitivity to the relationship between human beings and nature. We have a responsibility to pass on the beauty of nature in its integrity to future generations, and an obligation to exercise a just stewardship of the gifts we have received. These values are deeply rooted in the African soul. In a world which continues to exploit rather than protect our common home, they must inspire the efforts of national leaders to promote responsible models of economic development.   [Full text]