Here and Now with Francis 8/18/17 (Mary, humility,)
Humility is like an emptiness that gives place to God....First of all and above all other graces, which we also have at heart: the grace that is Jesus Christ! And when Mary arrives, joy overflows and bursts from hearts, because Jesus’ invisible but real presence fills everything with meaning: life, the family, the salvation of the people . . . everything!... The great things that God has wrought with humble persons, the great things the Lord does in the world with the humble, because humility is like an emptiness that gives place to God. The humble is powerful because he is humble, not because he is strong. And this is the grandeur of the humble and of humility. I would like to ask you – and also myself – but don’t answer in a loud voice: each one answer in his heart: “how is my humility doing?”... Always ask for first of all and above all other graces, which we also have at heart: the grace that is Jesus Christ! [link]