
Showing posts with the label international relations

Editorial 3/14/16 (Abu Sayyaf, kidnapping, local government, violence, women, Davao River, international relations, Philippines, money laundering, RCBC)

Philippine Star  "Lucrative industry" Local governments play a crucial role in the success of any campaign against extremists and criminal gangs. But there is persistent suspicion that local officials  themselves are in cahoots with the bandits,  using kidnapping to raise funds. With the government’s no-ransom policy just meaningless rhetoric, kidnapping has become  one of the most lucrative industries in Mindanao.  The Abu Sayyaf and other bandit groups in Mindanao have successfully prevented the development of some of the poorest areas in the Philippines. They continue to give  the country a negative image overseas, dampening tourism even outside their areas of operation. The Abu Sayyaf should have been neutralized a long time ago, with a  combination of security and development approaches. The government cannot allow this blight to thrive.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "Violence by women" According to the master narrative dictated by c...