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Opinion 11/24/15 (Cebu, Maguindanao massacre, wealth, Comelec, ambush)

Inquirer   on Maguindanao massacre The Maguindanao massacre, which marked its sixth anniversary Monday, has been called the worst election-related violence in Philippine history.  [full page] Sun.Star Cebu   about Cebu and resources Cebu has always been the top province or among the top provinces of the country in terms of wealth. [...]  Cebu is the most wealthy among the country's provinces not because of its officials' genius but mainly by the accident of geography and history. [...]  What this shows is that Cebu province, with its assets, could have done better in terms of generating income and, in the process, being able to spend more for its constituents. There's a Cebuano description for the province's status in 2014: “dato nga medyo pobre.”   [full page] Manila Bulletin   about Comelec and elections At the start of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) campaign to record the biometric data of every voter – in the effort to clean ...