Here and Now with Francis 1/29/16 (Christianity, magnanimity, witness, Jesus, bioethics, Church, realism, conscience)
From the homily And this is one of the traits of a Christian who has received the light in Baptism and must give it. That is, the Christian is a witness. Testimony. One of the peculiarities of Christian behavior. [...] “Another trait of the Christian,” says the Pope, “is magnanimity, because he is the child of a magnanimous father, of great heart. The Christian heart is magnanimous. It is open, always. It is not a heart that is closed in on its own selfishness. Or one that’s calculating: up to this point, up to here. When you enter this light of Jesus, when you enter into Jesus’ friendship, when you let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit, the heart becomes open, magnanimous... The Christian, then, does not gain, but loses. But he loses to gain something else, and in this (between quotation marks) 'defeat' of interests, he gains Jesus; he gains by becoming Jesus’ witness.” [link] From an address Noted by all is how sensitive the Church is to ethical subj...