
Showing posts with the label marriage

Man, Marriage, (post?)Modernity-plus!, Movies, Austen

About The Lobster and Love and Friendship

Books sorted (theology 2)

New Proofs for the Existence of God by Robert Spitzer The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross Creative Love by John Boyle     Covenanted Happiness by Cormac Burke   Life in Christ by Raniero Cantalamessa   The Foot of the Cross by Faber   Bethlehem by Faber   Creator and Creature by Faber Sex and the Sanctity of Human Life by William May Harvard Classics (Confessions and Imitation of Christ) The Suenens Dossier 

Books sorted (life, vocation, love, prayer 3)

The Imitation of Mary Rule of St. Benedict The Love of Eternal Wisdom by St. Louis de Montfort Opening to God by Thomas Green  A Closer Walk with Christ by Raymond Gawronski  The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius The Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila On Marriage and Family Life by John Chrysostom Frequent Confession by Benedict Baur 

Books sorted (Marc Ouellet, Angelo Scola, Christoph Schonborn)

Divine Likeness: Toward A Trinitarian Anthropology of the Family by Marc Ouellet     gratis Eerdsman God Sent His Son: A Contemporary Christology by Christoph Schonborn   The Nuptial Mystery by Angelo Scola

Realism via literary criticism and "idealism" in marriage and love

In The New Yorker , Adelle Waldman writes that For as long as novels have been written, heroines in books by women have studied their beloveds’ minds with a methodical, dispassionate eye. The ideal mate, for Jane Austen’s heroines, for Charlotte Brontë’s, for George Eliot’s, is someone intelligent enough to appreciate fully and respond deeply to their own intelligence [...] Straight male authors devote far less energy to considering the intelligence of their heroes’ female love interests; instead, they tend to emphasize visceral attraction and feelings. From Tolstoy, whose psychological acuity helped to redefine what the novel is capable of, to unabashed chroniclers of sex like Saul Bellow and Philip Roth to contemporary, stroller-pushing, egalitarian dad Karl Ove Knausgaard, men have been, in a sense, the real romantics.   Titled " The Ideal Marriage, According to Novels ," she shows how Eliot, Austen, and Brontë were all writing against a climate in which female in...

Here and Now with Francis 1/25/16 (bishops, witness, marriage, truth, faith, communication, Christ, mission, mercy)

From a homily We bishops have this responsibility to be witnesses: witnesses to the fact that the Lord Jesus is alive, that the Lord Jesus is risen, that the Lord Jesus walks with  us, that the Lord Jesus saves us, that the Lord Jesus gave his life for us, that the Lord Jesus is our hope, that the Lord Jesus always welcomes us and forgives us.  Giving witness. Our life must be this: a testimony. True witness to the Resurrection of Christ. [...] The first task of a bishop is to be with Jesus in prayer. The first job of a bishop is not to prepare pastoral plans ... no, no!   Prayer: this is the first task. The second task is to be a witness, that is, to preach.   [link] From an address It is precisely because she is Mother and Teacher that the Church knows that, among Christians, some have a strong faith, formed by charity and reinforced by good  catechesis and nourished by prayer and the sacramental life, while others have a weak faith, neglected, not...

Library booklist (L:bLfR)

Catholicism, Protestantism, and Capitalism by Amintore Fanfani The Church: Icon of the Trinity by Bruno Forte  Spiritual Writings by Romano Guardini Sign of Her Heart by John Haffert  Homosexuality and the Catholic Church by John Harvey  Jesus, the New Elijah by Paul Hinnebusch  Marriage is for Keeps by John Kipley  Fundamentals of the Faith by Peter Kreeft  Heaven by Peter Kreeft  Listen My Son by Dwight Longenecker  The Path to Rome by Dwight Longenecker  St. Benedict and St. Therese by Dwight Longenecker   

Library Booklist (L:bSub)

On Marriage and Family Life by John Chrysostom   Perseverance in Trials by Carlo Maria Martini   Sex and the Sanctity of Human Life by William May   Show Me the Way by Henri Nouwen   Resurrection and Moral Order by Oliver O'Donovan Thirty-Nine Articles by Oliver O'Donovan    An Augustine Reader   Harvard Classics (Confessions and Imitation of Christ)   Christopher Dawson's Saints

Library Booklist (H:hS3f)

The Journals of Alexander Schmemann The Nuptial Mystery by Angelo Scola Happiness and Benevolence by Robert Spaemann gratis Jeremiah Alberg Bernanos: An Ecclesial Existence by Hans Urs von Balthasar gratis W.T. Dickens The Christian and Anxiety by Hans Urs von Balthasar