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Editorial 3/1/16 (Marcos, mining, politics, presidential elections, justice, fire prevention)

Philippine Star  "Recipe for conflagrations" This is the season for renewing business permits, and the hawkers of fire extinguishers are again busy with their moneymaking activity rather than the work for which they are being paid by taxpayers. Combined with the inadequacy of firefighting capabilities and low public awareness of fire prevention measures, you have a recipe for more deadly conflagrations.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu "Burying Marcos" If the sacrifices of the victims of the Marcos dictatorship are to be extolled, wouldn't it be awkward if the perpetrator would be buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani? That is the essence of Poe's stance, which is a roundabout way of saying no. But she couldn't say it because she was dealing with a big bloc of voters loyal to the Marcoses—an act that exposes a chink in her leadership armor.  Although to be fair, some other presidential bets possess that leadership flaw.   [full text] Mindanao Times   ...