
Showing posts with the label money

Broadening Reason and Knowledge about

Money [Read Full Text]

Jorge Luis Borges and His Financial Condition

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Opinion 3/23/16 (Philippines, holy week, money laundering, presidential debate, politics, money, political parties)

Sun-Star Cebu  "Redefining holiness" UP until now fasting and abstinence have been the faithful’s favored penitential practices on Holy Week. An esoteric few continue to engage in self-flagellation and  nailing oneself to a cross. The idea is to suffer with Christ by reining in a person’s over-the-top attachment to worldly pleasures with acts of painful self-denial  and mortification.  Sin, in this view, is conceived as synonymous with giving in to the natural propensities of the flesh, man’s profane part where the soul or spirit is the sacred  part. Hence, we punish the flesh to keep it from seriously tempting our spirit with sinful pleasures. We mortify the body to strengthen our spirit against  temptations of the flesh. This betrays an introverted and self-centered concept of holiness.  [full text] Manila Bulletin  "Our agony and shame" As Maundy Thursday and Good Friday come, I realize that the greatest story of more than 2,000 years ago...

Books sorted (history 2)

The Ascent of Money: Financial History of World by Niall Ferguson The Ice Finders by Edmund Blair Bolles A Short History of English Literature by Sir Evans China Wakes by Nicholas  Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn How the West Was Lost by Dambisa Moyo Five Germanys I Have Known by Fritz Stern Fool's Gold: The Inside of JP Morgan by Gillian Tett

Library Booklist (H:fB1)

Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value by William Poundstone The Haunted Land by Tina Rosenberg Red, White, and Blue: Men, Books, and Ideas in American Culture Ward by John William