
Showing posts with the label music

Second Anniversary of my mother's Birth into Heaven

Two years ago today, Mother entered fully into Destiny. Eternal rest grant unto her, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Death With Dignity Spirit of my silence I can hear you But I’m afraid to be near you And I don’t know where to begin And I don’t know where to begin Somewhere in the desert there’s a forest And an acre before us But I don’t know where to begin But I don’t know where to begin Again I've lost my strength completely, oh be near me Tired old mare with the wind in your hair Amethyst and flowers on the table, is it real or a fable? Well I suppose a friend is a friend And we all know how this will end Chimney swift that finds me, be my keeper Silhouette of the cedar What is that song you sing for the dead? What is that song you sing for the dead? I see the signal searchlight strike me in the window of my room Well I got nothing to prove Well I got not...

Books sorted (culture 1)

Disappearing Ink by Dana Gioia On Art and Literature by Marcel Proust   Fragments of Grace: Search for Meaning at South Asia by Pamela Constable Bhagavad-Gita   The Wandering Scholars by Helen Waddell Liberty: Rethinking an Imperiled Ideal by Glenn Tinder  Small Is Beautiful by E. F. Schumacher The Closing of the American Mind by Anthony Bloom Where Have You Gone, Michaelangelo? by Thomas Day 20th Century Music: An Introduction by Eric Salzman Are Women Human? by Dorothy Sayers 

Books sorted (Beethoven and Bob Dylan)

Beethoven: His Spiritual Development by J. W. Sullivan Beethoven by Maynard Solomon  Dylan by Anthony Scaduto  Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan Invisible Republic: Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes by Greil Marcus

Books sorted (Mozart and Bono)

Mozart by Marcia Davenport  Mozart and His Piano Concertos by Cuthbert Girdlestone  Bono: In the Name of Love by Mick Wall  Bono in Conversation with Michka Assayas

Podcast: Music, my desire for happiness and meaning (Frederic Chopin)

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Library booklist (L:fLfR)

History of the Church in the Philippines (1521-1898) by Pablo Fernandez The Church in an Age of Revolution by Alec Vidler  20th Century Music by David Ewen 

Music: Who Stood Up for Stephen?

Saint Stephen, or On the Friendship of Christ Homily by Luigi Giussani for the Feast of St Stephen Desio, Italy, December 26, 1944 Veni Sancte Spiritus. Veni per Mariam. The sacred vestments that the ministers are wearing at the altar are no longer the immaculate white of yesterday. They are red, the symbol of blood. Next to the sweet contemplation of a God-child warmed by His Mother’s love, what a contrast is the vision of Stephen dying under the pelting hail of stones, covered with blood! With what horror our thoughts move from the angels’ song and the affectionate faces of the shepherds to the shouting figures of Stephen’s stoners, throbbing with hatred! But this juxtaposition is dense with meaning. In the dazzling light that surrounds the stable in Bethlehem, we perceive the majestic outline of the Cross. St Stephen was the first to sacrifice his life to follow the Divine Master. The feast of his martyrdom together with the feast of the Holy Birth, whose significance it c...

Library Booklist (H:gB1)

From Bondage to Liberation by Faith Berry The Symphony by Ralph Hill Letters from Freedom by Adam Michnik Listen to This by Alex Ross Popular Music: The Key Concepts by Roy Shuker

Library Booklist (L:oLB3)

Music and Imagination by Aaron Copland What to Listen for in Music by Aaron Copland  An Invitation to the Opera by John Louis DiGaetani  Antaeus on Music ed Daniel Halpern  Mozart and His Piano Concertos by Cuthbert Girdlestone  Literature and the American Tradition by Leon Howard  Jane Austen and Religion by William Jarvis  Music from the Road by Tim Page  Guide to Cigars by Jane Resnick  

Library Booklist (H:hGKC)

Dave Matthews Band by Nevin Martell   Are You Somebody? by Nuala O'Faolain   A Singular Woman: Untold Story of Obama's Mother by Janny Scott   And So It Goes: Kurt Vonnegut: A Life by Charles Shields   Isaac Stern: My First 79 Years by Isaac Stern with Chaim Potok  v Master of Dreams: Memoir of Isaac Singer by Dvorah Telushkin