
Showing posts with the label novel

Excerpt: Piccadilly Jim by P. G. Wodehouse

Piccadilly Jim by P. G. Wodehouse At this moment, apparently from some upper region, there burst forth an uproar so sudden and overwhelming that it might well have been taken for a premature testing of a large sample of Partridgite; until a moment later it began to resemble more nearly the shrieks of some partially destroyed victim of that death-dealing invention. It was a bellow of anguish, and it poured through the house in a cascade of sound, advertising to all beneath the roof the twin facts that some person unknown was suffering and that whoever the sufferer might be he had excellent lungs. The effect on the gathering in the drawing-room was immediate and impressive. Conversation ceased as if it had been turned off with a tap. Twelve separate and distinct discussions on twelve highly intellectual topics died instantaneously. It was as if the last trump had sounded. Futurist painters stared pallidly at vers libre poets, speech smitten from their lips; and stage performers...

Books sorted (literature: novel 2)

A Season in the West Piers Paul Read    Desert by J. M. G. Le Clezio   Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton   The Misogynist by Pier Pauls Read   Lord Peter by Dorothy Sayers   Clouds of Witness by Dorothy Sayers  Lions at the Lamb House by Edwin Yoder   A Room with a View by E. M. Forster  A Room With A View and Howard's End by E. M. Forster Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi  The Metamorphosis and Other Stories by Franz Kafka  The Trial by Franz Kafka  The Mirage by Naguib Mahfouz In the Shadow of the Banyan by Vaddey Ratner   Monsieur Ibrahim and Roses of Koran by Eric-Emmanuel Schmit

Books sorted (Wendell Berry)

H:iB1, L:fLB2, L:eLB1, H:aGKC, H:dSt, H:aS1b, H:fS2b Standing by Words Wendell Berry Life is a Miracle: An Essay Against Modern Superstition Wendell Berry  Nathan Coulter by Wendell Berry  The Wild Birds by Wendell Berry The Memory of Old Jack by Wendell Berry A Place on Earth by Wendell Berry Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry In the Presence of Fear by Wendell Berry Three Short Stories by Wendell Berry   Citizenship Papers by Wendell Berry

Books sorted (Vasily Grossman and Charles Peguy)

H:eS1f, H:cS1f, H:CS2b, H:fS3b, H:fS3f Men and Saints Charles Peguy  An Armenian Sketchbook by Vasily Grossman gratis Robert Chandler The Road by Vasily Grossman   Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman   Everything Flows by Vasily Grossman Temporal and Eternal  by Charles Peguy The Portal of the Mystery of Hope by Charles Peguy

Books sorted (Ian McEwan and Alexander McCall Smith)

H:cStb, H:bGKC, H:eS3b Tea Time for the Traditionally Built Alexander McCall Smith  Saturday by Ian McEwan   Enduring Love by Ian McEwan The World According to Bertie by Alexander McCall Smith Love Over Scotland by Alexander McCall Smith The Lost Art of Gratitude by Alexander McCall Smith

Books sorted (Albert Camus and Georges Bernanos)

L:kLB3, H:aStb, H:dSt, H:aSt, H:cS2b The First Man Albert Camus The Plague by Albert Camus  The Stranger by Albert Camus Lyrical and Critical Essays by Albert Camus The Diary of a Country Priest by Georges Bernanos Monsieur Ouine by Georges Bernanos The Impostor by Georges Bernanos Under Satan's Sky by Georges Bernanos gratis Giles Bernanos

Books sorted (literature: novel 10)

The Master and Margarita Mikhail Bulgakov Cold Mountain Charles Frazier Babycakes Armistead Maupin The Night Listener Armistead Maupin  Girl With Curious Hair David Foster Wallace