
Showing posts with the label person

Front Matter (Preface) Theo-Drama III. Dramatis Personae: Persons in Christ by Hans Urs von Balthasar


Here and Now with Francis 2/26/16 (Lazarus, rich man, beggar, person)

From a homily The Pontiff emphasized that the aridity of this life was accentuated by a particular detail: in speaking about this man, the Gospel “does not say what his name was; it only says that he was a rich man”. This detail is significant, because “when your name is only an adjective, it is because you have lost: you’ve lost substance, you’ve lost strength”. One might say: “this person is rich, this one is powerful, this one can do anything, this one is a career priest, a career bishop...”. It often happens, the Pope continued, that we begin to “designate people with adjectives, not with names, because they do not have substance”. This was the reality of the rich man in the day’s reading. At this point Francis asked a question: “Didn’t God who is Father, have mercy on this man? Didn’t he knock at his heart in order to move him?”. The answer: “Yes, he was at the door, he was at the door, in the person of Lazarus”. Lazarus: this man has a name. Lazarus, the Pope added, “with his...

Here and Now with Francis 1/21/16 (employment, dignity, work, personhood, responsibility, unity, baptism, Christianity)

From the letter to the World Economic Forum  The dawn of the so-called “fourth industrial revolution” has been accompanied by a growing sense of the inevitability of a drastic reduction in the number of jobs.  Diminished opportunities for useful and dignified employment, combined with a reduction in social security, are causing a disturbing rise in inequality and poverty in  different countries. Clearly there is a need to create new models of doing business which, while promoting the development of advanced technologies, are also capable  of using them to create dignified work for all, to uphold and consolidate social rights, and to protect the environment. Man must guide technological development,  without letting himself be dominated by it! To all of you I appeal once more: “Do not forget the poor!” This is the primary challenge before you as leaders in the  business world. [...] We must never allow the culture of prosperity to deaden us, to make us...

Here and Now with Francis 1/12/16 (peace, religion, family,refugee, poverty, person, migration, Christ)

From the address to diplomatic corps [E]very authentic practice of religion cannot fail to promote peace.  Our recent celebration of Christmas reminds us of this: we contemplated the birth of a vulnerable child who is “named Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace” (cf. Is 9:5).  The mystery of the Incarnation shows us the real face of God, for whom power does not mean force or destruction but love, and for whom justice is not vengeance but mercy.  It is in light of this that I wished to proclaim the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. [...]  Sadly, we recognize the numerous challenges presently facing families, “threatened by growing efforts on the part of some to redefine the very institution of marriage by relativism, by the culture of the ephemeral, by a lack of openness to life”. [...]  An individualistic spirit is fertile soil for the growth of that kind of indifference towards our neighbours which leads to viewing them in p...