
Showing posts with the label physics

Excerpt: Wholeness and the Implicit Order by David Bohm

Wholeness and the Implicit Order by David Bohm Order, Measure and Structure in Classical Physics As has already been indicated in general terms, classical physics implies a certain basic descriptive order and measure. This may be characterized as the use of certain Cartesian coordinates and by the notion of universal and absolute order of time, independent of that of space. This further implies the absolute character of what may be called Euclidean order and measure (i.e., that characteristic of Euclidean geometry). With this order and measure, certain structures are possible. In essence, these are based on the quasi-rigid body, considered as a constituent element. The general characteristic of classical structure is just the analysability of  everything into separate parts, which are either small, quasirigid bodies, or their ultimate idealization as extensionless particles. As pointed out earlier, these parts are considered to be working together in interaction (as in ...

Library booklist (H:aR)

Mathletics John Barrow The Measure of Our Days Jerome Groopman The Elusive Magic Bullet John Mann Einstein's Miraculous Years John Stachel  

Around the world (science and Einstein)

Gravitational Waves Discovered: Einstein Was Right Theory of relativity confirmed. A new era in the study of the universe, black holes and the fabric of spacetime. Important Italian contribution di Paolo Virtuani At 10.50 and 45 seconds (Italian time) on 14 September 2015 the two LIGO detectors in the US (in Washington State and Louisiana) recorded something unusual. Then they started testing. And on Thursday, at 4.30 pm in Pisa (a few minutes before a similar press conference in Washington) the official announcement of the discovery of gravitational waves was finally made. For physics and science in general, 11 February 2016 will go down as an historic date. The existence of gravitational waves was predicted almost exactly a century ago, in November 1915, when Albert Einstein illustrated his general theory of relativity, of which they are a cornerstone. However, until now their existence has never been demonstrated. The news can rightly aspire to the title of “discovery of the c...

Books sorted (Albert Einstein)

Einstein's Miraculous Years by John Stachel   Secrets of the Old One by Jeremy Bernstein Albert Einstein by Hilaire Cuny  Einstein, Polanyi, and the Laws of Nature by Lydia Jaeger

Books sorted (science and scientists 2)

The Electron by Robert Andrews Millikan What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry Fodor Prize Fight by Morton Meyers   Genes, Dreams, and Realities by Burnet Maclarlane  pe Darwin and the Modern View by John Greene  Fifty Years of Genetic Load: An Odyssey by Bruce Wallace Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo  The Firmament of Time by Loren Eisley The Creative Process ed by Brewster Ghiselin 

Books sorted (science and scientists 1)

Marie Curie and Her Daughters by Shelley Emling The Fifth Miracle by Paul Davies Mr. Hopkin's Men by Alex Craik Home is Where the Wind Blows by Fred Hoyle Evolution's End by Joseph Chilton Pearce The Panda's Thumb by Stephen Jay Gould The Man Who Sold the Milky Way by David Levy The Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose

Books sorted (Stanley Jaki)

H:dS1b, H:fS2f, H:eS2f, H:dS2b Science and Creation by Stanley Jaki   Newman to Converts by Stanley Jaki The Road to Science and the Ways to God by Stanley Jaki A Mind's Matter by Stanley Jaki Creation and Scientific Activity: A Study in the Thought of S. L. Jaki by Paul Haffner The Relevance of Physics by Stanley Jaki Brain, Mind, and Computer by Stanley Jaki God and the Sun at Fatima by Stanley Jaki   Patterns or Principles and Other Essays by Stanley Jaki  Genesis 1 Through the Ages by Stanley Jaki Questions on Science and Religion by Stanley Jaki   The Savior of Science by Stanley Jaki  

Library Booklist (H:fGKC)

The Emperor's New Mind by Roger Penrose   The Journals of Sylvia Plath   The Lonely Crowd by David Riesman   Five Germanys I Have Known by Fritz Stern   Fool's Gold: The Inside of JP Morgan by Gillian Tett Liberty: Rethinking an Imperiled Ideal by Glenn Tinder    Hired Pens by Ronald Weber

Library Booklist (H:fS1b)

The Romance of Risk by Lynn Ponton Einstein's Miraculous Years by John Stachel   The Myth of Alzheimer's by Peter Whitehouse