
Showing posts with the label relativity theory

Around the world (science and Einstein)

Gravitational Waves Discovered: Einstein Was Right Theory of relativity confirmed. A new era in the study of the universe, black holes and the fabric of spacetime. Important Italian contribution di Paolo Virtuani At 10.50 and 45 seconds (Italian time) on 14 September 2015 the two LIGO detectors in the US (in Washington State and Louisiana) recorded something unusual. Then they started testing. And on Thursday, at 4.30 pm in Pisa (a few minutes before a similar press conference in Washington) the official announcement of the discovery of gravitational waves was finally made. For physics and science in general, 11 February 2016 will go down as an historic date. The existence of gravitational waves was predicted almost exactly a century ago, in November 1915, when Albert Einstein illustrated his general theory of relativity, of which they are a cornerstone. However, until now their existence has never been demonstrated. The news can rightly aspire to the title of “discovery of the c...

Books sorted (Albert Einstein)

Einstein's Miraculous Years by John Stachel   Secrets of the Old One by Jeremy Bernstein Albert Einstein by Hilaire Cuny  Einstein, Polanyi, and the Laws of Nature by Lydia Jaeger