Opinion 6/10/16 (Philippines, journalism, Duterte, security, Church, Catholicism, society, politics)
Sun.Star Cebu's Carvajal: "Presidential" AS THE saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. That is basically what post-modern sociology means when it defines man/woman as a “social construct,” a product of the society he/she was born into. It remains true that man/woman is a rational being. But how this being behaves in ground zero, like how irrational he gets over some issues, is programmed into him by the social milieu. Free will would be what sociology refers to as “agency” or the ability to get out of the conventional mould and become your own man or woman. Thus, a nation’s establishment protects the system that affords it so much power, wealth and privilege by promoting a culture of submission to, dependence on and acceptance of the existing social order. Through this dominating culture, it subconsciously “constructs” society’s children into submissive, accepting and unquestioning members of their society’s way of doing things and of gi...