
Showing posts with the label smuggling

Editorial 2/17/16 (smuggling, presidential elections, Philippines, Cebu, land)

Philippine Star   That scandal and several changes of BOC heads have not put an end to the rampant smuggling of almost everything from frozen meat to rice, onions and luxury vehicles.  Outside Customs zones, local political kingpins themselves are widely suspected to be leading smuggling rings, bringing in through coastal communities a wide range of  contraband including motorcycles and even guns and prohibited drugs.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  Yet anyone who stands for election, especially a presidential election, needs to give up expectations of privacy on most matters. Information about whether a  presidential candidate is physically and mentally fit for such a sensitive and taxing position should be disclosed—the public’s right to know being paramount. And the  candidate who volunteers to disclose such information would be doing potential voters a service.   [full text] Cebu Daily News The problem of informal settlers has grown s...