
Showing posts with the label terrorism

Circumstances: Looking at the Newspapers, 2/4/19 (International)

Nikkei Asian Review ,   "Apple held hostage by its Chinese puzzle ": How iPhone maker's success manufactured the rise of Huawei TAIPEI/ HONG KONG -- Soon after Tim Cook was hired by Apple's founder Steve Jobs in 1998 to whip the company's U.S.-focused supply chain into shape, he made a bold decision. Within two years he began shutting Apple's U.S. factories and outsourcing production to China. His decision drove down costs and gave Apple the resources it needed to develop its next blockbuster products, the iPod and iPhone. It also created a competitive manufacturing base, capable of mobilizing hundreds of thousands of workers with just a phone call. But eight years after Cook became CEO, this strategy is being called into question. Not only has it left Apple dangerously exposed in the escalating trade war between Washington and Beijing, but the highly complex supply chain that Apple built in China over 20 years has given rise to one of its fiercest compe...

The Meaning of Martyrdom

From Oasis journal

Interview with Remi Brague

From First Things

Pope Francis's Prayer for Peace and Protection from Violence and from Terrorism

Prayer for Peace and Protection from Violence and from Terrorism O almighty and merciful God, Lord of the universe and of history. All that You have created is good and your compassion for the mistakes of mankind knows no limits. We come to You today to ask You to keep in peace the world and its people, to keep far away from it the devastating wave of terrorism, to restore friendship and instill in the hearts of Your creatures the gift of trust and of readiness to forgive. O Giver of life, we pray to You also for all those who have died as victims of brutal terrorist attacks. Grant them their eternal reward. May they intercede for the world that is torn apart by conflicts and disagreements. O Jesus, Prince of Peace, we pray to You for the ones who have been wounded in these acts of inhuman violence: children and young people, old people and innocent people accidentally involved in evil. Heal their bodies and hearts; console them with Your strength and, at the same time, take...

The Iraq War and John Paul II's Prophecy

From the Vatican Insider  

Only Mercy is the True Reaction to Evil

Letter of Julian Carron in  Corriere della Sera after the terrorist attacks in Brussels

Here and Now with Francis 3/25/16 (Washing of feet, religions, terrorism, violence, desire, peace, prayer)

You, we, all of us together, of different religions, different cultures, but children of the same Father, brothers – and there, those poor people, who buy weapons to wreck fraternity. From the pope's remarks at the Mass of Last Supper Even today, here, there are two gestures: this, of all of us together, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, Copts, Evangelical [Protestants] brothers and sisters – children of the same God – we want to live in peace, integrated. One gesture. Three days ago, an act of war, of destruction in a European city, by people who do not want to live in peace. Though behind that gesture, as there were behind that of Judas, there were others. Behind Judas there were those who offered money, that Jesus be delivered up to them. Behind that [other] gesture [on Tuesday in Belgium], there are manufacturers, arms dealers who want blood, not peace; they want the war, not fraternity. [...]  Each of us has a story, each of you has a story you carry with you. Many crosses, ...

Editorial and Opinion 3/25/16 (Belgium, terrorism, social impact, ISIS, Philippines, security, Tagle, service, politics, IEC, hope)

Philippine Star  "A borderless war" As of yesterday, 14 people had died in the airport attack and 20 in the Metro train.  The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has claimed responsibility for the worst terrorist attack in the city that hosts the headquarters of the European Union.  The attack is just the latest warning about the borderless war that ISIS is waging, if not directly then through adherents inspired by its gospel of hate.  In the Philippines, security officials have downplayed reports of local extremists pledging to support ISIS. The group is said to be trying to gain a solid foothold in the Philippines. This shouldn’t prove too hard, considering that the country is already home to several of Southeast Asia’s extremist troublemakers: the Abu Sayyaf, Jemaah Islamiyah, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and other rogue elements of the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and a faction of the Moro National Liberation Front.   [full text] Manila Bu...

Books sorted (history 7)

When a Pope Asks Forgiveness by Luigi Accattoli  What Went Wrong With Vatican II by Ralph McInerny History of the Church in the Philippines (1521-1898) by Pablo Fernandez The Church in an Age of Revolution by Alec Vidler  The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright The Ancient City by Fustel de Coulanges  The Great Siege by Ernie Bradford

Editorial 3/7/16 (Philippines, death penalty, Indonesia, women, society, government assistance, terrorism, Mindanao, Muslim, money laundering)

Philippine Star  "Still on Death Row" It took only a few months for the court in Yogyakarta to convict and sentence Veloso following her arrest. The Indonesians aren’t going to wait forever for the Philippine courts to do their job. Last year Indonesians themselves staged rallies in Jakarta to pressure their government to grant Veloso a reprieve. Those last-minute appeals to save Mary Jane must not be wasted.  [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "Sacrificed for family" FOR the family” is the common pretext made by women who stay in an abusive relationship, preferring to risk their sanity and safety, as well as that of their children, than separating from a partner whom they depend on for survival.  Inequality is at the root of poverty, which spiked the number of crimes committed against women and children last year.  The public servants that deserve the votes must answer the long-denied demand of women: “for regular jobs and decent wages,” “for access to social serv...

Library Booklist (H:bSb)

The Fall of the House of Credit by Alistaire Milne   The Unwinding: An Inner History of New America by George Packer   Human Smoke: Beginning of World War II by Nicholson Baker   The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright   The Nudist on the Late Shift by Po Bronson   The Ascent of Money: Financial History of World by Niall Ferguson   Shopping in Space: Essays by Elizabeth Young