
Showing posts with the label theology

On Rahner, a caution: how Rahnerians "lacked the vital immersion in the Catholic theological Tradition that had characterized Rahner himself"

From First Things Karl Rahner: An Appreciation and Critique by Robert Imbelli  Robert Royal’s fine book   A Deeper Vision: The Catholic Intellectual Tradition in the Twentieth Century   consists, by and large, of a series of inviting and insightful essays on the great figures who brought that tradition into creative and challenging encounter with a culture that was fast forgetting its Christian roots. Maritain and Gilson, de Lubac and Rahner, von Balthasar and Ratzinger are treated with generosity and discernment. As are the poets and novelists of the Catholic revival in England and France : Chesterton, Belloc, Greene, and Tolkien; PĆ©guy, Claudel, Bernanos, and Mauriac. Each essay sparkles with appreciation and delight. Yet Royal’s is not an exercise in hagiography. As in all authentic discernment, one comes to recognize both light and shadow. Only thus can one learn and move forward. I found particular resonance, for personal and professional reasons,...

Books sorted (Henri de Lubac and Yves Congar)

The Drama of Atheist Humanism Henri de Lubac gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer The Discovery of God Henri de Lubac  gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer The Paradoxes of the Faith Henri de Lubac gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer The Motherhood of the Church Henri de Lubac gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer Meet Henri de Lubac Rudolf Voderholzer   gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer At the Service of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Joseph Fessio The Mystery of the Supernatural by Henri de Lubac The Splendor of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Paul McPartlan The Eucharist Makes the Church by Paul McPartlan The Meaning of Tradition by Yves Congar 

Library booklist (H:dN1)

A Kentish Lad Frank Muir The Cloister Walk Kathleen Norris     The Da Vinci Hoax Carl Olson Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion Michael Schudson Trowel and Error Alan Titchmarsh   Scott Fitzgerald Andrew Turnbull Meet Henri de Lubac Rudolf Voderholzer  

What C. S. Lewis Has to Say About Heaven

In the library: From Communio journal             [full text]

Library booklist (H:bN1)

The New York Trilogy Paul Auster Louisa May Alcott Susan Cheever The Doctors Mayo Helen Clapesattle The Drama of Atheist Humanism Henri de Lubac The Paradoxes of the Faith Henri de Lubac The Motherhood of the Church Henri de Lubac An American Childhood Annie Dillard Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser A History of Religious Ideas 1 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 2 Mircea Eliade A History of Religious Ideas 3 Mircea Eliade The Myth of the Eternal Return Mircea Eliade Ordeal by Labyrinth Mircea Eliade Myth and Reality Mircea Eliade Imagination and Meaning Mircea Eliade Handel's Messiah and His English Oratories Ben Finane Hiroshima John Hersey Washington Square Henry James

Books sorted (by/on Hans Urs von Balthasar)

L:dLB2, L:aLB1, H:gS3f, H:hS3f, H:gS3b, L;dLB4 Theodrama III: Dramatis Personae Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Lay Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Clerical Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  Theo-logic II: Truth of God Hans Urs von Balthasar  Word and Silence by Raymond Gawronski Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics: A Model for Post-Critical Biblical Interpretation by W. T. Dickens   Hans Urs von Balthasar: His Life and Work ed David L. Schindler A Theology of History by Hans Urs von Balthasar Engagement with God by Hans Urs von Balthasar In the Fullness of Faith by Hans Urs von Balthasar Love Alone is Credible by Hans Urs von Balthasar Mysterium Paschale by Hans Urs von Balthasar Prayer by Hans Urs von Balthasar Test Everything, Hold Fast to What Is Good by Hans Urs von Bal...