
Showing posts with the label tradition

Books sorted (Henri de Lubac and Yves Congar)

The Drama of Atheist Humanism Henri de Lubac gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer The Discovery of God Henri de Lubac  gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer The Paradoxes of the Faith Henri de Lubac gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer The Motherhood of the Church Henri de Lubac gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer Meet Henri de Lubac Rudolf Voderholzer   gratis  Rudolf Voderholzer At the Service of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Joseph Fessio The Mystery of the Supernatural by Henri de Lubac The Splendor of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Paul McPartlan The Eucharist Makes the Church by Paul McPartlan The Meaning of Tradition by Yves Congar 

Here and Now with Francis 5/7/16 (Europe, culture, tradition, humanism, memory, encounter, integration, Christianity, dialogue)

What has happened to you, the Europe of humanism, the champion of human rights, democracy and freedom? What has happened to you, Europe, the home of poets,  philosophers, artists, musicians, and men and women of letters? What has happened to you, Europe, the mother of peoples and nations, the mother of great men and women  who upheld, and even sacrificed their lives for, the dignity of their brothers and sisters? From the address We need to “remember”, to take a step back from the present to listen to the voice of our forebears. Remembering will help us not to repeat our past mistakes (cf. Evangelii Gaudium , 108), but also to re-appropriate those experiences that enabled our peoples to surmount the crises of the past. A memory transfusion can free us from today’s temptation to build hastily on the shifting sands of immediate results, which may produce “quick and easy short-term political gains, but do not enhance human fulfilment” (ibid., 224). [...]  Forms of reduc...

Camus says...tradition and gratitude

When he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, Albert Camus wrote a letter to his elementary school teacher. I have just been given far too great an honour, one I neither sought nor solicited.  But when I heard the news, my first thought, after my mother, was of you. Without you, without the affectionate hand you extended to the small poor child that I was, without your teaching and example, none of all this would have happened. I don’t make too much of this sort of honour. But at least it gives me the opportunity to tell you what you have been and still are for me, and to assure you that your efforts, your work, and the generous heart you put into it still live in one of your little schoolboys who, despite the years, has never stopped being your grateful pupil. I embrace you with all my heart.

Library Booklist (L:aLB1)

Christ the Conqueror of Hell by Hilarion Alfeyev Newman Today Confessions by Augustine  Light of the World by Benedict XVI  God's Revolution by Benedict XVI  Jesus of Nazareth I by Benedict XVI  Jesus of Nazareth II by Benedict XVI  The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer  The Meaning of Tradition by Yves Congar  Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics: A Model for Post-Critical Biblical Interpretation by W. T. Dickens   Authenticity by Thomas Dubay The New World of Faith by Avery Dulles    Ages of the Spiritual Life by Paul Evdokimov