
Showing posts with the label universal

Here and Now with Francis 6/10/16 (Christ, Christianity, Catholicism, universal, dialogue, encounter, realism)

This (is the) healthy realism of the Catholic Church: the Church never teaches us "or this or that." That is not Catholic. The Church says to us: "this and that." Strive for perfectionism: reconcile with your brother.  Do not insult him. Love him. And if there is a problem, at the very least settle your differences so that war doesn’t break out. This (is) the healthy realism of Catholicism. It is not Catholic (to say) "or this or nothing" From the homily Jesus, said the Pope, urged his confused people to look beyond and go forward.  But at the same time, Christ warned about the harm caused to the people of God by Christians who do not follow their own teachings.  “How many times do we in the Church hear these things: how many times!  ‘But that priest, that man or that woman from the Catholic Action, that bishop, or that Pope tell us we must do this this way!’ and then they do the opposite. This is the scandal that wounds the people and prevents the ...