
Showing posts with the label vatican

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 3)

The Green Stick 1 by Malcolm Muggeridge  American Bishop at the Vatican Council by Robert Tracy Musical Memories by Camille Saint-Saens  The Incompleat Folksinger by Pete Seeger   Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber  Long Time Gone by David Crosby Father Joe by Tony Hendra  Beirut Fragment by Jean Said Makdisi  The Education of a Wandering Man by Louis L'Amour

Around the world: Vatican and Russia (ecumenism)

Francis and Kirill, a Holy Alliance for the future of Christians and the world Vladimir Rozanskij The meeting between the Pope and the Patriarch of Moscow Kirill has been eagerly desired for quite some time. Expected under John Paul II; hoped for with Benedict XVI, it has taken time to realize. Catholics and Orthodox face the same challenges of persecution and relativism. Orthodox nationalism, backed by Putin, causes some reticence. The Middle East crisis and risk of Russia’s isolation fosters collaboration. Moscow (AsiaNews) - The long wait is finally over: on February 12th the Third Rome reconciled with the First Rome, to save the Second, the persecuted Churches of the East. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow wanted to take advantage of Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico, to mark in Cuba a historic step that he has no intention of leaving to his eventual successor. Become patriarch of the ... [link] History Moscow and Rome: A history of clashes and dialogue by Ieromonaco Ioann ...

Around the World (Vatican and China)

L’Osservatore Romano accuses Charlie Hebdo of “distorting faith” The Vatican newspaper speaks out against the cover of the French satirical weekly, which marks the first anniversary of the attacks on its offices in Paris The Holy See has strongly criticised the illustration on the special issue of French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo , which depicts God carrying a machine gun. Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano said the image “illustrates the sad paradox of a world that is becoming so sensitive to political correctness it is verging on the ridiculous”. [link] Losses of over 7%: trading suspended on Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets for a second time in a week by Paul Wang Trading has been suspended on stock markets only 15 minutes after opening. Restrictions for another three months on the sale of shares. Losses on Stock Exchanges in Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, Sydney. Yuan devalued. [link]