
Showing posts with the label women

Here and Now with Francis 6/1/16 (Mary, Christ, women, joy, Christianity, attitude)

Through Mary’s service towards others, through that encounter, our Lord’s promise is renewed and makes it happen now, just as it did then. From the homily “Christians with a grimace or disgruntled expression on their faces, sad Christians, are a very ugly thing.  It’s really ugly, ugly, ugly. However, they are not  fully Christian. They think they are (Christians) but they are not fully so. This is the Christian message. And in this atmosphere of joy that today’s liturgy gives  us like a gift, I would like to underline just two things: first, an attitude; second, a fact. The attitude is one of service or helping others.” ...  “The courage of women. The courageous women who are present in the Church: they are like Mary. These women who bring up their families, these women who are  responsible for rearing their children, who have to face so many hardships, so much pain, women who look after the sick….   Courageous: they get up and help other  people...

Editorial 3/14/16 (Abu Sayyaf, kidnapping, local government, violence, women, Davao River, international relations, Philippines, money laundering, RCBC)

Philippine Star  "Lucrative industry" Local governments play a crucial role in the success of any campaign against extremists and criminal gangs. But there is persistent suspicion that local officials  themselves are in cahoots with the bandits,  using kidnapping to raise funds. With the government’s no-ransom policy just meaningless rhetoric, kidnapping has become  one of the most lucrative industries in Mindanao.  The Abu Sayyaf and other bandit groups in Mindanao have successfully prevented the development of some of the poorest areas in the Philippines. They continue to give  the country a negative image overseas, dampening tourism even outside their areas of operation. The Abu Sayyaf should have been neutralized a long time ago, with a  combination of security and development approaches. The government cannot allow this blight to thrive.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "Violence by women" According to the master narrative dictated by c...

Editorial 3/7/16 (Philippines, death penalty, Indonesia, women, society, government assistance, terrorism, Mindanao, Muslim, money laundering)

Philippine Star  "Still on Death Row" It took only a few months for the court in Yogyakarta to convict and sentence Veloso following her arrest. The Indonesians aren’t going to wait forever for the Philippine courts to do their job. Last year Indonesians themselves staged rallies in Jakarta to pressure their government to grant Veloso a reprieve. Those last-minute appeals to save Mary Jane must not be wasted.  [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "Sacrificed for family" FOR the family” is the common pretext made by women who stay in an abusive relationship, preferring to risk their sanity and safety, as well as that of their children, than separating from a partner whom they depend on for survival.  Inequality is at the root of poverty, which spiked the number of crimes committed against women and children last year.  The public servants that deserve the votes must answer the long-denied demand of women: “for regular jobs and decent wages,” “for access to social serv...

Editorial 3/4/16 (Philippines, ISIS, Mindanao, budget, women, politics, poverty, economic growth)

Philippine Star  "IS at the Door" Despite military denials about the terrorist Islamic State gaining a foothold in Mindanao, IS is seen to have at least inspired the assassination attempt on a Saudi  Arabian cleric and a Saudi diplomat Tuesday night in Zamboanga City. Mindanao is already plagued by several violent groups: the Abu Sayyaf, Jemaah Islamiyah, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters and, in several areas, the communist New  People’s Army. The leadership of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front has promised to continue observing a truce with the government despite the failure of Congress to  pass a law creating the Bangsamoro. But IS can inspire adherents among any of the Islamic groups, including the MILF.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "New Supplemental Budget" CEBU City Mayor Michael Rama is again putting the majority Bando OsmeƱa-Pundok Kauswagan (BOPK) councilors on the defensive after he submitted a proposed supplemental  budget, the first...

Books sorted (Dorothy Day and Madeleine Delbrel and Heather King)

Dorothy Day: Friend to the Forgotten by Deborah Kent The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day  Madeleine Delbrel: A Life Beyond Boundaries by Charles Mann  Parched by Heather King Redeemed by Heather King