
Here and Now with Francis 12/22/15 (grandparents, wisdom, family, ordinariness, peace, mercy)

  From an address Grandparents are so important in the family. Grandparents have memory; they have wisdom. Do not leave grandparents to one side! They are very important. [...] Take care of peace in the family: we all know there is quarrelling in the family. When there is no quarrelling in a marriage, it seems abnormal. What is important is that the day not end without making peace. [...] One must learn this wisdom of making peace. You have made war during the day? Is your war still hot? Don’t let it become cold, because the “cold war” of the day after is more dangerous than the “hot war.” Understood? Make peace in the evening, always! The Jubilee is to be lived also in the domestic Church, not only in great events! What’s more, the Lord loves one who practices mercy in ordinary circumstances. I wish you this: that you experience the joy of mercy, beginning in your family. [full text]

Books sorted (on/by T. S. Eliot)

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Here and Now with Francis 12/21/15 (Christmas, wonder, poor, history, Church)

  From the Angelus address To celebrate Christmas well, we are called to spend time in the “places” of astonishment [wonder]. And what are these places of wonder in daily life? There are three.  The first place is “the other,” in whom we recognize a brother, because since the birth of Jesus, every face is marked with a similarity to the Son of God. Above all when it is the face of a poor person, because as a poor man, God entered the world and it was the poor, in the first place, that he allowed to approach him.  Another place of wonder - a place in which, if we look with faith, we feel wonder, is history. [...]  The third place of wonder is the Church. To look on her with the wonder of faith means not just considering the Church only as a religious institution – which the Church is – but to feel that she is a mother who, despite her warts and wrinkles – we have so many! – lets the contours of the bride beloved of and purified by Christ the Lord shine through. [ful...

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Heidegger's Being and Time by William Large Heidegger's Possibility: Language, Emergence-Saying Be-ing by Kenneth Maly The Philosophy of Heidegger by Michael Watts Heidegger's Later Writings by Martin Heidegger   Being and Time by Martin Heidegger Basic Writings by Martin Heidegger     Introduction to Metaphysics by Martin Heidegger Heidegger: An Introduction by Richard Polt  

Books sorted (Allan Bloom and Pierre Manent)

L:cSub, H:aS2f, H:bS2f The Closing of the American Mind by Anthony Bloom Love and Friendship by Anthony Bloom Modern Liberty and Its Discontent by Pierre Manent Tocqueville and the Nature of Democracy by Pierre Manent

Books sorted (Graham Greene)

The Human Factor by Graham Greene   The Life of Graham Greene 2 by Norman Sherry Stamboul Train by Graham Greene   The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene   Brighton Rock by Graham Greene England Made Me by Graham Greene   It's A Battlefield by Graham Greene   A Sort of Life by Graham Greene The End of the Affair by Graham Greene The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene