
Library booklist (H:P1)

This Man's Pill Carl Djerassi Madness on the Couch Edward Dolnick   Colloquial Italian A. L. Hayward  Dictionary of Word Origins Joseph Shipley  The Collected Stories Reynolds Price  Football Lexicon 

Excerpt: The Problem is for Our Memory of Christ to Grow, Nothing Else

Excerpt from “ God is Mercy , ”  notes from a talk by Luigi Giussani The letter said in the beginning, “Feeling that I’m not and never will be guaranteed in the perseverance of my faith [I could say vocation; it’s one and the same] worries me; knowing that my freedom is and always will be able to reject God worries me. At times I reproach myself for this as a residue of rationalism.” Exactly! This is precisely the reason. “Rationalism” means that man can claim to judge his own life and things from his own point of view, that is, man who claims to be the measure of all things. What determines our life is the event of Christ; the event of the covenant is what gives meaning to our life; what has happened to us determines the security, the certainty, of our life. “Yes, but I can always reject what happened.” Will you please understand the error of this objection? Because one must truly reject, and this is a possibility only if one fails to remember, if one does not make memory o...

Here and Now with Francis 5/10/16 (Holy Spirit, Christianity, encounter, Christ, lifestyle, relationship)

The Holy Spirit frees us from this ‘orphan-like’ condition which the spirit of the world wants to put us in. From the homily Christian life, Francis reiterated, “is not just an ethical life: it is an encounter with Jesus Christ.” And it is thanks to the Holy Spirit that this encounter takes place: "But we keep the Holy Spirit as a ‘luxury prisoner’ in our hearts: we do not allow the Spirit to push us forward, to move us. The Spirit does everything, knows everything, reminds us what Jesus said, can explain all about Jesus. There is only one thing the Holy Spirit can’t do: make us ‘parlour’ Christians (…) The Holy Spirit cannot make us ‘virtual’ Christians who are not virtuous. The Holy Spirit makes real Christians. The Spirit takes life as it is and prophetically reads the signs of the times pushing us forward (…), the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity” he said. Pope Francis urged all faithful this week to reflect on the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives and...

Books sorted (Wendell Berry)

H:iB1, L:fLB2, L:eLB1, H:aGKC, H:dSt, H:aS1b, H:fS2b Standing by Words Wendell Berry Life is a Miracle: An Essay Against Modern Superstition Wendell Berry  Nathan Coulter by Wendell Berry  The Wild Birds by Wendell Berry The Memory of Old Jack by Wendell Berry A Place on Earth by Wendell Berry Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry In the Presence of Fear by Wendell Berry Three Short Stories by Wendell Berry   Citizenship Papers by Wendell Berry

Books sorted (by/on Hans Urs von Balthasar)

L:dLB2, L:aLB1, H:gS3f, H:hS3f, H:gS3b, L;dLB4 Theodrama III: Dramatis Personae Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Lay Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  The Glory of the Lord III: Clerical Styles Hans Urs von Balthasar  Theo-logic II: Truth of God Hans Urs von Balthasar  Word and Silence by Raymond Gawronski Hans Urs von Balthasar's Theological Aesthetics: A Model for Post-Critical Biblical Interpretation by W. T. Dickens   Hans Urs von Balthasar: His Life and Work ed David L. Schindler A Theology of History by Hans Urs von Balthasar Engagement with God by Hans Urs von Balthasar In the Fullness of Faith by Hans Urs von Balthasar Love Alone is Credible by Hans Urs von Balthasar Mysterium Paschale by Hans Urs von Balthasar Prayer by Hans Urs von Balthasar Test Everything, Hold Fast to What Is Good by Hans Urs von Bal...

Here and Now with Francis 5/7/16 (Europe, culture, tradition, humanism, memory, encounter, integration, Christianity, dialogue)

What has happened to you, the Europe of humanism, the champion of human rights, democracy and freedom? What has happened to you, Europe, the home of poets,  philosophers, artists, musicians, and men and women of letters? What has happened to you, Europe, the mother of peoples and nations, the mother of great men and women  who upheld, and even sacrificed their lives for, the dignity of their brothers and sisters? From the address We need to “remember”, to take a step back from the present to listen to the voice of our forebears. Remembering will help us not to repeat our past mistakes (cf. Evangelii Gaudium , 108), but also to re-appropriate those experiences that enabled our peoples to surmount the crises of the past. A memory transfusion can free us from today’s temptation to build hastily on the shifting sands of immediate results, which may produce “quick and easy short-term political gains, but do not enhance human fulfilment” (ibid., 224). [...]  Forms of reduc...

Opinion 5/6/16 (Philippines, elections, president, politics)

Sun.Star Cebu's  Carvajal: "Pride of nation" IT is not difficult to understand why droves of Filipinos are jumping on the bandwagon of un-prim and un-proper Rody Duterte. Twenty six million marginalized  Filipinos only understand the language of food, health security and freedom from fear of losing life and property to the corrupt and criminal among us. Duterte  commits all this to them with the added assurance of a no-nonsense gutsy personality that gets things done.  What is harder to fathom is Bongbong Marcos magnetizing millenials. True, they did not experience Martial Law. But they are well-educated and have guardians who had  at least a glimpse of the evil of Martial Law. Still, they seem to be reading or listening to a different version of history. They seem to agree with Bongbong that  we should “unite and move on.”  No argument can be made against moving on united. Nevertheless, I who suffered ignominy.....   [full text] The Freeman's...