
Broadening Reason and Knowledge about

Money [Read Full Text]

Desire and Curiosity: Flannery O'Connor

Reading is the first way to listen, and thus to learn. Invitation to read From  “ The Day After Redemption” “Where in your time, in your body has Jesus redeemed you? Show me where because I don’t see the place. If there was a place where Jesus had redeemed you, that would be the place for you to be, but which of you can find it?” At the beginning of Flannery O’Connor’s  Wise Blood , the would-be anti-Christ Hazel Motes says to Mrs.  Wally B. Hitchcock, a passenger seated in front of him on a train: “I reckon you think you have been redeemed.” Mrs. Hitchcock, clearly taken aback by the question, “snatched at her collar,” not knowing how to answer the question. “I reckon you think you have been redeemed,” Hazel insisted. “She blushed. After a second she said, yes life was an inspiration, and then she said she was hungry and asked if he didn’t want to go into the diner.” Thus begins Hazel Mote’s relentless efforts to expose Christian hypocrisy by founding ...

Awit 2

Bukong (Max Surban) Abtik ug kursunada Bisa’g asa mi punta Okay bisan way kwarta Ang amo lang buhaton Kaulaw di bati-on Mag-anad sa pamukong Sakay-sakay sa frontsit Ang konduktor thank youhon Busa tawgon dibukong Restawran wa kutrihon Kun masakpan maga-antos Sa plato pahugason Korus: Bukong, kay kami namukong Bisan asa padulong Pirming way riserbisyon Bahala na’g magpungko Magkapyot magtikungkong Antuson lang kay bukong Magdaginot sa gasto Kung duna mi sinsilyo Para lang sigarilyo Usahay kung swertehon Malibre’s paniudto Libre pa’s panihapon To Korus Usahay kun badlungon Bisan nipis nga nawong Bagan na kung hikapon Hilaw na ang pahiyom Ulo kalut-kaluton Ang dagway maglipadhong To Korus Bukong

Desire and Curiosity: Michael O'Brien

Reading is the first way to listen, and thus to learn. Invitation to read From the interview  “The Wound of Beauty ” “This book will break your heart, and will show you why your heart needed to be broken.” Thus a reviewer of one of the stories by Michael O’Brien, the Canadian painter and writer (author of  Father Elijah: The Apocalypse , among other works). His stories tell of men and women, often humiliated and injured, apparently of little importance, but whose “little” choices, whose journey toward love and truth, prove decisive for the destiny of the world, capable of leading others to love and freedom. O’Brien has been compared to writers like Flannery O’Connor, Graham Greene, and C. S. Lewis. During the last Spiritual Exercises, Fr. CarrĂ³n continually reminded us of our original dependence on the Mystery of God. He told us that every man is a “direct, exclusive relationship with God, and the reverberation of this is our being poor beggars.” You, o...

Broadening Reason about

Time [Read Full Text]

Editorial 2/26/18 (Philippines, politics, society, traffic, Duterte, democracy, history)

Philippine Daily Inquirer's   " Costly traffic " Metro Manila’s traffic mess is one problem that is proving too difficult to untangle. A confluence of events since many administrations ago has led to this nightmare in the capital. Last week, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) estimated that the worsening traffic congestion in Metro Manila now costs at least P3.5 billion in lost opportunities a day — a jump from the estimated P2.4 billion a day in 2012. The future does not seem to present much promise either. According to the Jica study, Metro Manila’s population in 2015 was nearly 13 million while Bulacan, Rizal, Laguna and Cavite combined had almost 11 million. That puts Mega Manila’s population in 2015 at 24 million.   [link] Mindanao Times  " Missing the point " The stir that the Boracay controversy has created has resulted in concerned agencies scampering for solutions to the garbage problem. In the Davao Region for instanc...

Traces Magazine, February 2018
