
Rimini Meeting 2021: "The Courage to Say 'I'" with Javier Prades


Salida: Ang Tuig Nausab ang Kalibutan

Here and Now with Francis: 5/24/2021 (Holy Spirit, present, meaning, life)

From the 2021 Pentecost homily Dear sister, dear brother, if you feel the darkness of solitude, if you feel that an obstacle within you blocks the way to hope, if your heart has a festering wound, if you can see no way out, then open your heart to the Holy Spirit. The first advice offered by the Holy Spirit is, “Live in the present”. The present, not the past or the future. The Paraclete affirms the primacy of today , against the temptation to let ourselves be paralyzed by rancour or memories of the past, or by uncertainty or fear about the future. The Spirit reminds us of the grace of the present moment. There is no better time for us: now, here and now, is the one and only time to do good, to make our life a gift. Let us live in the present!  [full text]

Liquid Fear by Zygmunt Bauman


Christmas 2020

He is present here and now: here and now!  Emmanuel                           Nothing is useless; nothing is extraneous                                                                                               you become tireless  

INTO the Pandemic: "The Medium Is the Message" (Marshall McLuhan)

“In a culture like ours, long accustomed to splitting and dividing all things as a means of control, it is sometimes a bit of a shock to be reminded that, in operational and practical fact, the medium is the message. This is merely to say that the personal and social consequences of any medium — that is, of any extension of ourselves — result from the new scale that is introduced into our affairs by each extension of ourselves, or by any new technology. [. . .] The instance of the electric light may prove illuminating in this connection. The electric light is pure information. It is a medium without a message, as it were, unless it is used to spell out some verbal ad or name. This fact, characteristic of all media, means that the “content” of any medium is always another medium. [. . .] Let us return to the electric light. Whether the light is being used for brain surgery or night baseball is a matter of indifference. It could be argued that these activities are in some way the “conten...

Free Book. "The Radiance in Your Eyes: What Saves Us From Nothingness?"

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