Here and Now with Francis 8/13/17 (faith, Jesus, Christianity, presence, problem)
Faith isn’t an easy way out of life’s problems, but it supports us on the way and gives it meaning.
When one doesn’t grip the Lord’s word to have greater security, one consults horoscopes and fortune-tellers, one begins to go down. It means that faith isn’t that strong. Today’s Gospel reminds us that faith in the Lord and in his word doesn’t open a way for us where everything is easy and tranquil; it doesn’t subtract us from life’s storms. Faith gives us the certainty of a Presence, the presence of Jesus that drives us to overcome the existential storms, the certainty of a hand that grips us to help us face the difficulties, pointing out the way to us also when it’s dark. In sum, faith isn’t an easy way out of life’s problems, but it supports us on the way and gives it meaning....This episode is a stupendous image of the reality of the Church of all times: a boat that, along the crossing must also face adverse winds and storms, which threaten to sink it. What saves it is not the courage and quality of its men: the guarantee against shipwreck is faith in Christ and in His word. In this boat we are safe, despite our miseries and weaknesses, especially when we kneel and adore the Lord. [link]