
Showing posts with the label Asia

Circumstances: Looking at the Newspapers, 1/28/19 (International)

Nikkei Asian Review ,   " Asia shares blame for its export slump " A moment of reckoning for Asia's exporters is a time for somber reflection and for bold action. Since Jan. 1, the region's advanced economies reported export drops thanks to U.S. President Donald Trump's trade war. First came news that December overseas shipments by South Korea fell 1.2% from a year earlier. Then it was Taiwan down 3%, Singapore down 8.5%, and now the biggest collateral-damage victim -- Japan down 3.8%. To no surprise, China also had a rough December. Exports slid 4.4%, the steepest decline in more than two years. Asia's biggest economy is, of course, the main target of Trump's protectionist jihad. But as China's neighbors sustain blows, they must accept some of the blame for their difficulties -- and make urgent adjustments.   [link] Vatican Insider,  " Pope Francis’ 'Montini-inspired realism'" The "criterion" of Christian...

Around the world: Brexit, social impact, Europe, Italy, Asia

From BREXIT/Italy to the collapse: It's all in the Asian '97-98 crisis? Francesco Sisi June 30, 2016 The largely dreaded Brexit has arrived, and the consequences are apparently so immense and unpredictable that they were neither seen nor anticipated. Neither the EU nor the Britons had prepared a plan B, that is, what they would’ve effectively done if the referendum had chosen to leave the Union . Such is clear from the first frantic reactions of the European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker, who, in substance, said to the British: “and now get the hell off of the EU ASAP” and from the British themselves, who, in the few hours following the results, garnered two million signatures to vote again, while the Scottish formally announced they would stay with the EU and leave the UK instead. However, many in the world don’t worry as much about the destruction of the Kingdom, which, through many diffi...

Books sorted (culture 1)

Disappearing Ink by Dana Gioia On Art and Literature by Marcel Proust   Fragments of Grace: Search for Meaning at South Asia by Pamela Constable Bhagavad-Gita   The Wandering Scholars by Helen Waddell Liberty: Rethinking an Imperiled Ideal by Glenn Tinder  Small Is Beautiful by E. F. Schumacher The Closing of the American Mind by Anthony Bloom Where Have You Gone, Michaelangelo? by Thomas Day 20th Century Music: An Introduction by Eric Salzman Are Women Human? by Dorothy Sayers 

International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu (2)

For Fr D'Ambra, the Eucharist is a spiritual force that leads us to the encounter with Muslims The PIME missionary spoke today at the symposium introducing the 51st International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu. “The point of comparison is Emmaus, where two  disciples recognised the Lord as he broke the bread, and from that, they found strength to move at night without fear.” In addition, “The challenge, in my opinion, is  to try to communicate to others what the Eucharist is, even though Muslims have a hard time understanding that." Cebu (AsiaNews) – A theological symposium titled The Eucharist in the Church's dialogue with religions and religious traditions began today in Cebu, in Central Visayas, as a prelude to the 51st International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) scheduled to take place in Cebu on 24-31 January. [link] Card Bo, Eucharistic Congress: Evangelizing via dialogue with religions, cultures, poor The Burmese cardinal and papal legate outlines the ...