International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu (2)

For Fr D'Ambra, the Eucharist is a spiritual force that leads us to the encounter with Muslims

The PIME missionary spoke today at the symposium introducing the 51st International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu. “The point of comparison is Emmaus, where two disciples recognised the Lord as he broke the bread, and from that, they found strength to move at night without fear.” In addition, “The challenge, in my opinion, is to try to communicate to others what the Eucharist is, even though Muslims have a hard time understanding that."

Cebu (AsiaNews) – A theological symposium titled The Eucharist in the Church's dialogue with religions and religious traditions began today in Cebu, in Central Visayas, as a prelude to the 51st International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) scheduled to take place in Cebu on 24-31 January. [link]

Card Bo, Eucharistic Congress: Evangelizing via dialogue with religions, cultures, poor

The Burmese cardinal and papal legate outlines the objectives of the 51st International Eucharistic Congress, held in Cebu. In the continent “crossroads” of the world religions, the “spiritual fervor” is a resource for the mission. The support of the pinoy Catholic Church to Myanmar. The need for justice in terms of economy and environment.

Yangon (AsiaNews) - “Asia is a confluence of major religions”, a part of the world that “has not embraced secularism as the West has done. And spiritual fervor witnessed at the community level is a way of  evangelizing the others”. This is the way cardinal Charles Maung Bo, archibishop of Yangon (Myanmar) and papal legate for the event, introduces the 51st International Eucharistic Congress, to be held in Cebu, Philippines on 24-31 January 2016, on the theme: “Christ in you, our hope and glory” (Col. 1:27). According to the first cardinal of the history of burmese Church, the event will be occasion to work in three directions. “Dialogue with religions, with culture, and poor”. “Asia  remains a common task for the church - he said - so the challenge is to see what is God saying through these realities”.

The celebration of the Congress in the Philippines, the only predominantly Catholic country in Asia, is a major challenge to strengthen the missionary perspective. 

The theme revolves around the “hope” that joins the task of “the gift of God for young people” and “commitment to the ranks of the poor of the continent”.
Cardinal Bo’s interview with AsiaNews follows:

Eminence, how is or can be important this Congress for the Asian society?
Asia is a confluence of major religions. This part of the world has not embraced secularism as  the west has done. Spiritual fervor witnessed at the community level is a way of  evangelizing the others, showing how the Christians  as a community and individuals draw benefits from their Christian tradition.
Philippines has been  a great nation – one of the largest  Catholic Population both  in Asia and in the World. It is surrounded by Islamic societies.  It does have problem with its Southern Muslims.  This conference hopes to  open the doors of dialogue with  other religions. In the year of Mercy, this  congress  will try to get Catholics to  assume the attitude of mercy not judgment in the personal and  church level. [link]

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