Here and Now with Francis 1/11/16 (baptism, faith, Holy Spirit, Christianity, witness)

From the homily
And, finally, do not forget that the greatest inheritance that you can give your children is faith. Be careful that this is not lost,  so it can grow and leave as a legacy. Today, I wish, that in this joyous day for you all: I wish you are able to make these children grow in faith, and that the greatest inheritance they receive from you, really, is the faith. And only a warning: When a baby cries because he or she is hungry, to the mommies, I say: if your child is hungry, feed them here, with complete freedom. [full text]
From the angelus
"The Holy Spirit is the principal architect in Christian Baptism, He is the one that burns and destroys original sin, restoring the beauty of divine grace. He is the One who delivers us from the dominion of darkness, that is, of sin, and transports us into the realm of light, that is love, truth and peace. This is the light. [...] [B]aptism date [is] to celebrate to reaffirm our adherence to Jesus, with the commitment to live as Christians, members of the Church and of a new humanity, in which all are brothers. Baptism is received only once, but it must be witnessed every day, because it is new life to share and light to communicate, especially to those living in conditions unworthy of man and walking on paths of darkness. [link]

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