
Showing posts with the label baptism

Here and Now with Francis 8/15/16 (Christ, Holy Spirit, baptism)

In carrying out its mission in the world, the Church needs the help of the Holy Spirit to avoid being deterred by fear and calculation, to avoid becoming used to walking within secure borders. From the angelus The fire of which Jesus speaks is the fire of the Holy Spirit, the living and and active presence within us from the day of our Baptism. It is a creative force that purifies and renews, it burns all human misery, all selfishness, all sin, transforms us from within, regenerates and makes us capable of loving. Jesus desires that the Holy Spirit may blaze like fire in our hearts, because it is only from the heart that the fire of divine love will flourish and advance the Kingdom of God. If we open ourselves totally to the Holy Spirit, He will gift us the audacity and fervor to proclaim to all Jesus and his consoling message of mercy and salvation, on the open seas.  The apostolic courage that the Holy Spirit kindles in us, like a fire, helps us to overcome walls and barri...

Here and Now with Francis 5/17/16 (Christ, priesthood, baptism, Christianity)

This common belonging, which flows from Baptism, is the breath that frees one from self-reference that isolates and imprisons From the speech Our priest is barefooted in respect to a land that persists in believing and considering itself holy. He is not scandalized by the frailties that shake the human  spirit, aware that he himself is a cured paralytic; he is removed from the coldness of the rigorist, as well as from the superficiality of one who wants to show  himself accommodating to a good market. Instead, he accepts to take charge of the other, feeling himself participant and responsible for his destiny. [...]  With the oil of hope and consolation, he makes himself a neighbour to everyone, careful to share with them abandonment and suffering. Having accepted not to dispose  of himself, he does not have an agenda to defend, but every morning gives his time to the Lord, to allow himself to meet and encounter people. So our priest is not a  bureaucrat or ...

Here and Now with Francis 4/27/16 (Christ, baptism, laity, clericalism, vocation, Church, gift)

To look continually at the People of God saves us from certain slogans that are beautiful phrases but which do not succeed in supporting the life of our communities. From a message To look at the Holy People faithful of God and to feel an integral part of them positions us in life and, therefore, in the subjects we address in a different way.  This helps us not to fall into reflections that can be very good in themselves but that end up by functionalizing the life of our people or theorizing so much that  speculation ends by killing action. To look continually at the People of God saves us from certain slogans that are beautiful phrases but which do not succeed in  supporting the life of our communities. [...]  To look at the People of God is to remember that we all entered the Church as lay people. The first Sacrament, the one that seals our identity forever and of which  we should always be proud is Baptism. By it and with the anointing of the Holy Spiri...

Jubilee Audience with Francis: January (Jesus, encounter, faith, joy, mercy, mission, baptism)

The concrete sign that we have truly encountered Jesus is the joy we experience in communicating it also to others. To encounter Jesus is the same as encountering His love. This love transforms us and enables us to transmit to others the strength that it gives us. In some way, we  can say that from the day of Baptism each one of us was given a new name, in addition to the one already given by our mother and father, and this name is  “Cristoforo”: we are all “Cristofori.” What does it mean? “Bearers of Christ.” [...] The mercy we receive from the Father is not given to us as a private consolation, but it makes us instruments, so that others can also receive the same gift. There is  a stupendous circularity between mercy and mission. [full text]

Here and Now with Francis 1/21/16 (employment, dignity, work, personhood, responsibility, unity, baptism, Christianity)

From the letter to the World Economic Forum  The dawn of the so-called “fourth industrial revolution” has been accompanied by a growing sense of the inevitability of a drastic reduction in the number of jobs.  Diminished opportunities for useful and dignified employment, combined with a reduction in social security, are causing a disturbing rise in inequality and poverty in  different countries. Clearly there is a need to create new models of doing business which, while promoting the development of advanced technologies, are also capable  of using them to create dignified work for all, to uphold and consolidate social rights, and to protect the environment. Man must guide technological development,  without letting himself be dominated by it! To all of you I appeal once more: “Do not forget the poor!” This is the primary challenge before you as leaders in the  business world. [...] We must never allow the culture of prosperity to deaden us, to make us...

Here and Now with Francis 1/11/16 (baptism, faith, Holy Spirit, Christianity, witness)

From the homily And, finally, do not forget that the greatest inheritance that you can give your children is faith. Be careful that this is not lost,  so it can grow and leave as a legacy. Today, I wish, that in this joyous day for you all: I wish you are able to make these children grow in faith, and that the greatest inheritance they receive from you, really, is the faith. And only a warning: When a baby cries because he or she is hungry, to the mommies, I say: if your child is hungry, feed them here, with complete freedom.  [full text] From the angelus "The Holy Spirit is the principal architect in Christian Baptism, He is the one that burns and destroys original sin, restoring the beauty of divine grace. He is the One who delivers us from the dominion of darkness, that is, of sin, and transports us into the realm of light, that is love, truth and peace. This is the light. [...] [B] aptism date [is] to celebrate to reaffirm our adherence to Jesus, with the commitment ...

Here and Now with Francis 11/29/15 (Christianity, Uganda, prayer, Jesus, memory, fidelity, baptism, Holy Spirit)

From the a ddress to Ugandan youth It seems that the microphone doesn’t work well. Sometimes we ourselves don’t work well. Yes or no? And when we don’t work well, to whom do we have to ask help? I don’t hear you. Louder! We have to ask Jesus. Jesus can change your life. Jesus can break down all of the walls that you have before you. Jesus can make of your life a service for others. Some of you might ask me: For this, is there a magic wand? If you want Jesus to change your life, ask him. And this is called prayer. Did you understand? To pray. I ask you: Do you pray? Are you sure? Pray to Jesus because he is the savior. Never stop praying. Prayer is the strongest weapon that a youth has. Jesus loves us. I ask you: Does Jesus love some people and not others? Does Jesus love everyone? Does Jesus want to help everyone? Then open the doors of your heart and allow him to come in. Allow Jesus to enter into my life. And when Jesus comes into your life, he helps you to fight. [full text] F...

Library Booklist (H:cS3f)

A  Generative Thought: Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani ed. Elisa Buzzi gratis CL Together on the Road by Massimo Camisasca gratis CL At the Service of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Joseph Fessio Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 1, Faith by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 2, Hope by Luigi Giussani Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 3, Charity by Luigi Giussani gratis CL The Journey to Truth Is an Experience by Luigi Giussani gratis CL Why the Church? by Luigi Giussani gratis Ambrogio