Here and Now with Francis 1/13/16 (miracles, prayer, saints, faith, beggar, Church)

From the homily
Pope Francis took his cue from the Bible reading of the day which tells the story of Hannah, a woman whom, deeply distressed by her infertility, desperately prays to the Lord to give her a child, and of Eli, a priest, who looks on vaguely from afar and superficially judges the woman as a drunkard as he can see her babbling but cannot hear her words. [...] “Prayer works miracles; it works miracles for Christians, whether they be faithful laypeople,  priests, bishops who have lost compassion. The prayers of the faithful change the Church:  it’s not us popes, bishops, priests or nuns who carry the Church forward, but Saints. Saints are those who dare to believe that God is the Lord and that He can do everything.” [link]

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