
Showing posts with the label saints

Here and Now with Francis: 2/11/2022 (Communion of Saints, Joseph)

  From 2-2-2022 General Audience [D]eepen our understanding of the figure of Saint Joseph. Sometimes even Christianity can fall into forms of devotion that seem to reflect a mentality that is more pagan than Christian. . . . Even when we rely fully on the intercession of a saint, or even more so that of the Virgin Mary, our trust only has value in relation to Christ. As if the path toward this saint or toward Our Lady does not end there, no. Not there, but in relationship with Christ. He is the bond, Christ is the bond that unites us to him and to each other, and which has a specific name: this bond that unites us all, between ourselves and us with Christ, it is the “communion of saints”. . . . What, then, is the “communion of saints”? The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms: “The communion of saints is the Church” (no. 946). See what a beautiful definition this is! “The communion of saints is the Church.” What does this mean? That the Church is reserved for the perfect? No. I...

Books sorted (growth and maturity 4)

Finding the Mystic Within You by Peggy Wilkinson   Pardon and Peace by Alfred Wilson Treasury of Women Saints by Ronda Chervin Great Saints, Great Friends by Ronda Chervin Maturing the Spirit by Dominic Hoffman Common Bushes Afire with God by Kieran Kay Our Lady in Catholic Life by Lawrence Lovasik The Way of a Pilgrim by Helen Bacovcin Jesus Rediscovered by Malcolm Muggerdige  The Wisdom of the Saints by Adels

Books sorted (history 5)

The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. Du Bois Blue Highways by William Least Heat-Moon   Oxford by Jan Morris The Modern Middle East by Mehran Kamrava On My Journey Now by Nikki Giovanni Where We Got the Bible by Henry Graham  From Beirut to Jerusalem by Thomas Friedman  The Wandering Saints of the Early Middle Ages by Eleanor Duckett 

Here and Now with Francis 1/13/16 (miracles, prayer, saints, faith, beggar, Church)

From the homily Pope Francis took his cue from the Bible reading of the day which tells the story of Hannah, a woman whom, deeply distressed by her infertility, desperately prays to the Lord to give her a child, and of Eli, a priest, who looks on vaguely from afar and superficially judges the woman as a drunkard as he can see her babbling but cannot hear her words. [...]  “Prayer works miracles; it works miracles for Christians, whether they be faithful laypeople,  priests, bishops who have lost compassion. The prayers of the faithful change the Church:  it’s not us popes, bishops, priests or nuns who carry the Church forward, but Saints. Saints are those who dare to believe that God is the Lord and that He can do everything.” [link]

Library booklist (L:eLB4)

Treasury of Women Saints by Ronda Chervin Great Saints, Great Friends by Ronda Chervin Inquiring Faith by Tadeusz Dajczer The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy of Jesus Christ by Alphonsus De Liguori Preparation for Death by Alphonsus de Liguori The Secret of Rosary by Louis de Montfort The Graced Horizon by Stephen Duffy Models of the Church by Avery Dulles Church and Social Communication by Franz-Josef Eilers The Way, Furrow, Forge by Josemaria Escriva

Library Booklist (L:mLB3)

Cecilia Bartoli: The Passion of Song by Kim Chernin Albert Einstein by Hilaire Cuny  Mozart by Marcia Davenport  The Ancient City by Fustel de Coulanges  The Wandering Saints of the Early Middle Ages by Eleanor Duckett  The Inner Voice by Renee Fleming  The Green Stick 1 by Malcolm Muggeridge  John Courtney Murray: Theologian in Conflict by Donald Pelotte  

Library Booklist (H:dS3f)

G. K. Chesterton: Collected Works I gratis Ralph Wood G. K. Chesterton: Collected Works II G. K. Chesterton: The Autobiography gratis Ralph Wood The Habit of the Heart: Letters of Flannery O'Connor