
Showing posts with the label English language

Editing: Spelling Differences English-American English


On English language, Writing, and Writers

Two essays about writing and the English language by Tim Parks in  The New York Review of Books Why Write in English? Tim Parks Why not write in a foreign language? If people feel free to choose their profession, their religion, and even, these days, their sex, why not just decide which language you want to write in and go for it? Ever since Jhumpa Lahiri published In Other Words, her small memoir in Italian, people have been asking me, Why don’t you write in Italian, Tim? You’ve been in the country thirty-five years, after all. What keeps you tied to English? Is it just a question of economic convenience? That the market for books in English is bigger? That the world in general gives more attention to books written in English? Is that it? Certainly economics can be important. And politics too. Arguably, these were the factors that pushed Conrad and Nabokov to abandon their Polish and Russian mother tongues. If it is not possible to publish at home, or to publish the...

Library booklist (H:dR)

Standing by Words Wendell Berry Life is a Miracle: An Essay Against Modern Superstition Wendell Berry  The Language Wars Henry Hitchings  Technique in Fiction Robie Macaulay  Read to Write Donald Murray  The Accidental Connoisseur Lawrence Osborne  Invitations to the World: Teaching and Writing for the Young Richard Peck  Signposts in a Strange Land Walker Percy  Another Sort of Learning James Schall  

English language tour

The history of English can be explained in five words

Library Booklist (H:dS3b)

Do You Make These Mistakes in English? by Edwin L. Battistella On the Rez by Ian Frazier A Shopkeeper's Millenium by Paul Johnson Look Homeward, America by Bill Kauffman When I Was a Child, I Read Books by Marilynne Robinson   Habits of the High-Tech Heart by Quentin Schultze