
Showing posts with the label Internet

From the Written Letter to Online Commentary, "Hate Mail"

From the New Republic : People are desperate to be heard, to make some sound, any sound, in the world, and hate mail allows them the illusion of doing so. For writers in our culture, marginalized and irrelevant, hate mail at least means that someone is listening, even if with unfriendly ears.   [full text]

Opinion 4/1/16 (Philippines, politics, presidential elections, internet, telecommunication industry, PWD, disability)

Sun.Star Cebu's  Carvajal: "April fools" SO FAR the debates have not paid more than incidental attention to the issue of political dynasties. It is unfortunate because the monopoly of power by political  dynasties is the soil in which corruption takes root and thrives. Any candidate, therefore, that argues for political dynasties, as Jejomar Binay and Bongbong Marcos  do, is good as arguing for the perpetuation of corruption. It is not a coincidence that we are the least progressive of our Asian neighbors and we have been ruled by political dynasties since the First Republic under Emilio  Aguinaldo. Vietnam, which liberated itself not too long ago from their neo-colonial political dynasties, has already overtaken us. And I won’t be surprised if  Myanmar that has just liberated itself from absolute military rule will soon outpace us in economic growth and development. So, when is this country going to liberate itself from political dynasties that have exclusi...

Literary Criticism: curiosity, studiousness, learning via Eco

The Italian author Umberto Eco belonged to a rare breed—a medievalist of encyclopedic erudition, a creative philosopher and a talented novelist. Prompted by his recent death, Eco’s first novel, The Name of the Rose , has resurfaced in bookstands everywhere.  The virtue Aquinas opposes to curiositas is not humility , but studiousness , that is, knowledge pursued well.  The parallel between the monastery with the vast library and a globalized world with Internet access should now be clear. Aquinas thought of curiositas as largely caused by acedia —i.e. spiritual laziness or aimlessness. Who among us has not wasted hours on Wikipedia rather than completing the task at hand?   [Full text]

Library Booklist (H:aS3f)

The Human Condition by Hannah Arendt gratis Jerome Kohn On the God of the Christians by Remi Brague gratis Remi Brague A Generative Thought: Introduction to the Works of Luigi Giussani ed. Elisa Buzzi gratis CL The Radiance of Being by Stratford Caldecott gratis Angelico Press Together on the Road by Massimo Camisasca gratis CL G. K. Chesterton: Collected Works I gratis Ralph Wood G. K. Chesterton: Collected Works II G. K. Chesterton: The Autobiography gratis Ralph Wood At the Service of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Joseph Fessio The Mystery of the Supernatural by Henri de Lubac The Splendor of the Church by Henri de Lubac gratis Paul McPartlan Being and Some Philosophers by Etienne Gilson gratis Curtis Hancock, Caitlin Gilson, James Farge At the Origin of the Christian Claim by Luigi Giussani gratis CL Is It Possible to Live This Way: Vol. 1, Faith by Luigi G...