Opinion 4/1/16 (Philippines, politics, presidential elections, internet, telecommunication industry, PWD, disability)
Sun.Star Cebu's Carvajal: "April fools"
SO FAR the debates have not paid more than incidental attention to the issue of political dynasties. It is unfortunate because the monopoly of power by political dynasties is the soil in which corruption takes root and thrives. Any candidate, therefore, that argues for political dynasties, as Jejomar Binay and Bongbong Marcos do, is good as arguing for the perpetuation of corruption.Philippines Star "More than April Fools"
It is not a coincidence that we are the least progressive of our Asian neighbors and we have been ruled by political dynasties since the First Republic under Emilio Aguinaldo. Vietnam, which liberated itself not too long ago from their neo-colonial political dynasties, has already overtaken us. And I won’t be surprised if Myanmar that has just liberated itself from absolute military rule will soon outpace us in economic growth and development.
So, when is this country going to liberate itself from political dynasties that have exclusively benefitted from an inequitable system of distribution of the country’s political and economic resources? [full text]
The level of broadband service and technology in the Philippines is more than an April Fools joke, it is an insult to all users who have been paying too much for too little. What is even more insulting are the promises of CEOs and executives about how they plan to invest millions to billions to bring in better technology and service. If you can’t even improve basic speed from zone to zone, who wants your hallow promises done through copycat Steve Jobs presentation? You merely infuriate customers and add insult to injury. As a business consultant for a couple of relatively large companies, I have noted one common complaint that is more pronounced now more than ever: being unable to transact business between branches, offices, or across cities in Metro Manila because the internet connection has failed or is lousy. [full text]
The Freeman's Lastimosa: "Ordinansa ni Alvin"
Gihangop sa gibanabanang 1.5 milyones ka persons with disabilities ang pagpirma ni Presidente Noynoy Aquino sa balaod nga mohatag nila og 32% nga diskuwento sa pinili nga mga produkto ug mga serbisyo. Moambas na ang ilang mga benepisyo sa mga gipahimuslan karon sa senior citizens. Wa makalighot sa atensiyon sa PWDs ang talagsaong mga sirkumstansiya nga naglibot sa pagkaumol sa Republic Act No. 10754 niadtong Marso 24. Ang mga nagpasiugda mao ang nagkasungi nga politikanhong mga pamilya: Romualdez ang usa sa nangamahan sa bersiyon sa House of Representatives; Aquino ug Binay ang niduso sa bersiyon sa Senado; ug Aquino ang niaprobar sa Malakanyang. Mas sayon nga mapatuman ang mga benepisyo sa senior citizens ug PWDs kon sundon sa ubang local government units ang ordinansa sa Dakbayan sa Sugbo nga gipangamahanan ni Konsehal Alvin Dizon: Ang paghatag sa mga benepisyo kabahin na sa mga kundisyon sa business permits. [kinatibuk-ang lindog]