
Showing posts with the label telecommunication industry

Opinion 4/1/16 (Philippines, politics, presidential elections, internet, telecommunication industry, PWD, disability)

Sun.Star Cebu's  Carvajal: "April fools" SO FAR the debates have not paid more than incidental attention to the issue of political dynasties. It is unfortunate because the monopoly of power by political  dynasties is the soil in which corruption takes root and thrives. Any candidate, therefore, that argues for political dynasties, as Jejomar Binay and Bongbong Marcos  do, is good as arguing for the perpetuation of corruption. It is not a coincidence that we are the least progressive of our Asian neighbors and we have been ruled by political dynasties since the First Republic under Emilio  Aguinaldo. Vietnam, which liberated itself not too long ago from their neo-colonial political dynasties, has already overtaken us. And I won’t be surprised if  Myanmar that has just liberated itself from absolute military rule will soon outpace us in economic growth and development. So, when is this country going to liberate itself from political dynasties that have exclusi...