
Showing posts with the label Tony Hendra

Library booklist (H:P2)

Wuthering Heights Emile Bronte  The Other Side Mary Gordon  The Messiah of Morris Avenue Tony Hendra  Love and Modern Medicine Peri Klass  Various Pets Alive and Dead Marina Lewycka  Beloved Toni Morrison  The Comfort of Strangers Ian McEwan   Sir Thomas More William Shakespeare  The Pocket Book of Ogden Nash  

Books sorted (literature: novel 9)

Cosima by Grazia Deledda   Knots by Nuruddin Farah   A Tenured Professor by John Kenneth Galbraith The Messiah of Morris Avenue by Tony Hendra   The Journey of Little Gandhi by Elias Khoury  The Company She Keeps by Mary McCarthy   The Orchard by Drusilla Modjeska An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor  Rabbit is Rich  by John Updike S by John Updike  

Front Matter (prologue) Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Life by Tony Hendra

Father Joe The Man Who Saved My life by Tony Hendra Prologue There he stands on the muddy clay of the little promontory, hands under scapular for warmth in the chill, his wide rubbery mouth beaming serenely at the gray turmoil of the English Channel . Hooked over vast ears, framing a fleshy groundhog nose and bat­tered granny glasses, is his black monk’s cowl, ancient and rudimen­tary shield against the blustery rain. Farther down: irredeemably flat feet in black socks and big floppy sandals, these emerging from scruffy black robes whipped by the squalls and revealing—if you’re lucky glimpses of white English knees so knobbly they could win prizes. Dom Joseph Warrilow is his formal monastic name, but every­one calls him Father Joe. I have seen him in this pose and place countless times down the years, in the flesh or in my mind’s eye. Never once have I been able to stop a smile from coining to my lips. He’s as close to a cartoon monk as you could imagine. And he ...

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 3)

The Green Stick 1 by Malcolm Muggeridge  American Bishop at the Vatican Council by Robert Tracy Musical Memories by Camille Saint-Saens  The Incompleat Folksinger by Pete Seeger   Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber  Long Time Gone by David Crosby Father Joe by Tony Hendra  Beirut Fragment by Jean Said Makdisi  The Education of a Wandering Man by Louis L'Amour

Library Booklist (H:kB1)

A Tenured Professor by John Kenneth Galbraith The Messiah of Morris Avenue by Tony Hendra   Come and See by Fanny Howe  The Journey of Little Gandhi by Elias Khoury  Two Caravans by Marina Lewycka  Plays: One by Frederic Garcia Lorca  The Company She Keeps by Mary McCarthy  

Library Booklist (L:eSub)

Long Time Gone by David Crosby Father Joe by Tony Hendra  Portrait of Emily Dickinson by David Higgins  Wagner: His Life and Music by Stephen Johnson  Beirut Fragment by Jean Said Makdisi  Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of Language and Music by John McWhorter