Opinion 6/3/16 (Philippines, climate change, water, Duterte, security)
Sun.Star Cebu's Carvajal: "How long?" WITH the onset of heavy rains, we can declare victory over a long and nasty drought. But the remarkable thing is we survived it in spite of the absence of pro-activeness in our political leaders. We survived it by pure luck or, as the bishops might want to claim, by God’s answer to their oratio imperata. Local officials did nothing but declare a state of emergency (which causes no water to spring from the ground) and distribute free water containers. But how crazy is it to give people water-containers when there simply is no water to put in them? Yet, previous to this drought, they had a water summit. People were glad then to hear that, in addition to declaring a state of emergency and distributing water-containers, they will build water impounding systems and reservoirs. But the rains came and water impounding systems were nowhere to be found. Hence, the last drought was even worse (for water) than the previous one they had a su...