Opinion 12/14/15 (Philippines, labor, slavery, NAIA, extortion, climate change)

Inquirer on labor dispute
A study by the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) International Court of Arbitration in Singapore showed the Philippines as not far behind more developed economies in terms of the number of arbitration cases, especially in the past five years. [...] At the rate private companies are locked in disagreements with the state on important projects, there is an urgent need for both the government and the private sector to look with favor on dispute settlement mechanisms and arbitration. [full text]

Sun.Star Cebu on human trafficking and slavery
Changes in mores and lifestyles increase the risks of falling victim to not just the modern-day slavery of sex trafficking but also rape and other forms of violence, abuse and exploitation. For instance, from newspaper reports of recent rapes emerge a pattern of the victim encountering the perpetrator while drinking alone, with friends or with strangers in a park, mall or other public establishments in the city. The dangers lurking on the streets are nothing compared to those in the Internet. [full text]

Manila Bulletin about NAIA and extortion
Finally, after so many denials and so many official efforts to minimize the gravity of the “tanim-bala” incidents at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) has come out with the results of its investigation. [...] There was indeed an extortion racket victimizing departing passengers through the surreptitious planting of bullets in their luggage, then extorting money from them in exchange for getting the charges set aside. The NBI, however, said it was done by “corrupt opportunists” rather than a syndicate. [full text]

Philippine Star on climate change
There’s often a wide gap between commitment and implementation. Considering the difficulty of making 195 nations commit to a climate protection agreement, however, the international community has made history in France. [...] After signing on to the climate change agreement at the end of a two-week gathering in Le Bourget outside Paris, nations can be monitored for progress on their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. [full text]

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