Opinion 12/8/15 (Philippines, presidential elections, Congressmen, survey, safety, airport)
Inquirer on absent Congressmen
Chronic absenteeism is a valid ground for dismissal from work, according to the Philippine Labor Code. The Supreme Court has upheld this law by stating that habitual neglect of duties, which includes frequent absences without duly approved leaves, is a just cause for terminating employment. [...] By that standard, Manny Pacquiao should have been dismissed by now from his supposed work as the elected representative of Sarangani province to Congress. [...] Another habitual absentee was Negros Occidental Rep. Julio Ledesma IV, with a record of having showed up at the House only seven times. [...] The current petition by some 27 civil society groups for the Office of the Ombudsman to look into the habitual absenteeism of House members deserves public support, because this gross and blatant neglect of duty appears to be something the House leadership itself is unable to correct. [full text]
Sun.Star Cebu about survey and election
Manila Bulletin on airport in Philippines and scam
THE latest Social Weather Station (SWS) survey is an interesting one, not only because of the result but also for the question it asked the respondents that could have had an influence on the result. [...] Duterte topped the survey, getting 38 percent. [...] It is actually possible the SWS survey is reflective of the current mood of the people. But because of the “flaw” in its conduct, it would not be difficult for Duterte's political rivals and critics to discredit the survey result. [full text]
Manila Bulletin
The House Committees on Transportation, on Good Government and Accountabililty, and on Public Order have now announced they will continue a probe that was initially conducted last September. They will invite officials of the Manila International Airport Authority, the Aviation Security Group, and the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) which – despite all previous denials. – should have first-hand knowledge of the “tanim-bala” scam. [full text]
Philippine Star about presidential election and firearms
With the general elections just six months away, the Philippine National Police has announced that it is zeroing in on private armed groups identified with politicians. [...] Violence is the worst way of undermining free elections and should have no place in a democratic society. Yet in this country, resorting to violence has almost become routine for many politicians who want to eliminate rivals and critical commentators during election season. The impunity is reinforced by the failure of the state to bring murderers to justice. [full text]