
Showing posts with the label survey

Does Literary Criticism Have a Grade Inflation Problem? (On surveying and ranking books)

At New Republic      

Editorial 3/18/16 (green energy, Philippines, environmental protection, smoking, public health, climate change, survey, presidential elections)

Philippine Star  "Green energy" Clean energy can require a substantial amount of initial investment, and most developing countries are not ready to be weaned from cheap coal. But technology is  rapidly catching up with aspirations for green energy. Wind power is gaining popularity and investments continue to expand in geothermal power and natural gas. If  the price of solar panels can be brought down, many Filipino households are sure to invest in the items that can mean significant reductions in their electricity  bills. There’s a big market for green products; environmental awareness has increased worldwide and consumers want to do their part in saving energy. The private  sector has stepped in to meet the demand, and the government must provide all the necessary support.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  "Promising the moon" ENVIRONMENTALISTS are doing the right thing when they launched recently the Sugboanong Nagpakabana sa Kalikupan (SNK) to remin...

Opinion 12/8/15 (Philippines, presidential elections, Congressmen, survey, safety, airport)

Inquirer  on absent Congressmen Chronic absenteeism is a valid ground for dismissal from work, according to the Philippine Labor Code. The Supreme Court has upheld this law by stating that habitual  neglect of duties, which includes frequent absences without duly approved leaves, is a just cause for terminating employment. [...]  By that standard, Manny Pacquiao should have been dismissed by now from his supposed work as the elected representative of Sarangani province to Congress. [...]  Another habitual absentee was Negros Occidental Rep. Julio Ledesma IV, with a record of having showed up at the House only seven times. [...]  The current petition by some 27 civil society groups for the Office of the Ombudsman to look into the habitual absenteeism of House members deserves public support, because this gross and blatant neglect of duty appears to be something the House leadership itself is unable to correct. [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  about survey ...