
Showing posts with the label debate

Opinion 3/1/16 (fuel, politics, debate, history, EDSA, Philippines, Cebu, Mandaue, business)

The Freeman's  Lastimosa: " Linigwatay sa lana" Human sa pila ka semana nga pagsaka sa presyo sa lana, may mga eskperto nang nangagpas nga nitugsad na ang lana sa iyang kinabaratohan nga ang-ang. Busa wa nay laing kapaingnan. Nipadayag sila og pagsalig nga magsugod na sab pagsaka ang presyo sa mga produkto sa lana sa mosunod nga mga adlaw.  Gitumbok nila ang mosunod nga mga sukaranan sa ilang pangagpas sa pagmahal sa lana: (1) Kasabotan sa Saudi Arabia, Russia ug Qatar paglaslas sa ilang produksiyon sa lana, ubos sa kundisyon nga molaslas sab ang ubang kanasuran; (2) pagsugod na og tidlom sa produksiyon sa lana sa Estados Unidos; ug (3) pagsulbong sa kalibotanong konsumo sa gasolina.   [kinatibuk-ang lindog] Sun.Star Cebu's  Carvajal "Taphaw Kaayo" HOW Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman Andres Bautista judged the first debate to be world-class simply beats me. It came nowhere near the definition of a debate as, in-between lengthy commercial...

Editorial 2/23/16 (EDSA Revolution, urbanization, presidential elections, debate, politics, traffic, credibility, Marcos)

Philippine Star   Those who lived through that dark period in the nation’s history lament that Filipinos, particularly the youth, appear to have forgotten the struggle to end the  abuses of a despotic regime. But young Filipinos don’t have a short memory. When it comes to martial law and the struggle to end a dictatorship, the memories simply  aren’t there. Thirty years is a long time, and a generation has grown up with no personal experience of the days when people lived in fear of their own government.   Freedom, it is often said, is like air – taken for granted and missed only when it is taken away.   [full text] Mindanao Times   In the ever widening urban sprawl, the need for green spaces has taken a more urgent need no matter what real estate companies claim. We are still blessed with nature  but this cannot be sustainable if we turn a big portion of our land to buildings and other commercial complexes. For  residential areas, open sp...

Opinion 2/22/16 (Philippines, debate, presidential elections, politics, social criticism, Mandaue, hospitals)

Philippine Star “The Philippines is 400 times the size of Singapore, 350 times that of Hong Kong, eight times Taiwan, three times South Korea. In the 1930s to 1970s our country was in Asia second only to Japan. Asian countries saw Manila then with highest potential for development as financial center. Manila became the seat of the Asian Development Bank. “Then what happened? Corruption, criminality, climate change, poverty, pollution, incompetence, too much politics quickly brought us down. [...]  For three elections now, computer experts have been dissing the vote-counting machines of Venezuelan monopoly supplier Smartmatic. Reliability of the gadgets is doubtful. Worse, the Comelec ignores the safeguards set by the Election Automation Act of 2008. Worries abound that the multibillion-peso thingamajigs can be used to cheat a close presidential contest. Sensing things coming to a head, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines is striving to intervene. Election 2016 not...

Editorial 2/19/16 (politics, communism, Philippines, Cebu, presidential elections, debate)

Philippine Star   In the Philippines, the communist New People’s Army has been reduced to armed extortion. It has aggravated poverty in the countryside by scaring away investments in  areas where jobs and livelihood opportunities are most needed. The NPA has become a public pestilence in the areas where it has destroyed power transmission and  telecommunications towers. Its leaders, who refuse to go home for fear not only of state forces but also of their own comrades, have sought refuge in one of the  world’s most liberal nations.   [full text] Sun.Star Cebu  [That's] where the hypocrisy of OsmeƱa's statement surfaces. He claims to “care” about the City's credit record and yet he is widely believed to be behind the decision  of the BOPK councilors to sit on SB 1, using as reason the case filed by lawyer Romulo Torres questioning the legality of the recent sale of SRP lots, part of whose  proceeds the mayor wants to use to fund SB 1. ...