Opinion 3/1/16 (fuel, politics, debate, history, EDSA, Philippines, Cebu, Mandaue, business)

The Freeman's Lastimosa: "Linigwatay sa lana"
Human sa pila ka semana nga pagsaka sa presyo sa lana, may mga eskperto nang nangagpas nga nitugsad na ang lana sa iyang kinabaratohan nga ang-ang. Busa wa nay laing kapaingnan. Nipadayag sila og pagsalig nga magsugod na sab pagsaka ang presyo sa mga produkto sa lana sa mosunod nga mga adlaw. Gitumbok nila ang mosunod nga mga sukaranan sa ilang pangagpas sa pagmahal sa lana: (1) Kasabotan sa Saudi Arabia, Russia ug Qatar paglaslas sa ilang produksiyon sa lana, ubos sa kundisyon nga molaslas sab ang ubang kanasuran; (2) pagsugod na og tidlom sa produksiyon sa lana sa Estados Unidos; ug (3) pagsulbong sa kalibotanong konsumo sa gasolina. [kinatibuk-ang lindog]

Sun.Star Cebu's Carvajal "Taphaw Kaayo"
HOW Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman Andres Bautista judged the first debate to be world-class simply beats me. It came nowhere near the definition of a debate as, in-between lengthy commercials, candidates had no time to expound in depth on their positions on critical election issues and, what should have been the more crucial and relevant point, on how they propose to deliver on their promises. [...] Asking “how” not just “what” would make for a world-class debate. Without it and with lengthy commercials, the first debate lacked even a semblance of depth. It was taphaw kaayo. [full text]

In Philippine Star "The EDSA revolt started in Fuente Osmeña!"
Last week was the 30th anniversary of the People Power Revolt that actually began with a huge rally on Feb. 24, 1986 when Cebuanos went out by the hundreds of thousands filling up the entire Fuente Osmeña to hear Tita Cory and Doy Laurel denounce the cheating of President Ferdinand E. Marcos during the Snap Elections. It was one day before Feb. 25. [...] I once interviewed Bongbong Marcos and asked him this direct question, whether he would call for another Martial Law if he gets to be President again. Bong Bong replied to me, “Bobit, I cannot make that promise because it depends upon the situation on the ground. The 1987 Cory Constitution does have a provision to declare Martial Law if the need arises.” I think Bongbong gave a very smart answer to my question. [full text]

"Mandaue: Not just at one end of the bridge" in Manila Bulletin
Mandaue has been a city since 1969, a year after it became the site for the San Miguel brewery on Cebu island. It soon started to attract other manufacturing establishments, giving it a very clear distinction: unlike other Philippine urban centers that thrived mainly on trading and commercial activities, Mandaue easily stood out as the place where they (the people) make things. Mandaue became a manufacturing hub for consumer products made from whatever materials it could source from everywhere else. Such consumer products made from plastic, rubber, metal, wood, and other food raw materials were manufactured in Mandaue for export to Japan, the US, and Europe (let alone Manila.) Think furniture, and you get a picture of Mandaue as a manufacturing center. [full text]

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