Opinion 5/6/16 (Philippines, elections, president, politics)
Sun.Star Cebu's Carvajal: "Pride of nation" IT is not difficult to understand why droves of Filipinos are jumping on the bandwagon of un-prim and un-proper Rody Duterte. Twenty six million marginalized Filipinos only understand the language of food, health security and freedom from fear of losing life and property to the corrupt and criminal among us. Duterte commits all this to them with the added assurance of a no-nonsense gutsy personality that gets things done. What is harder to fathom is Bongbong Marcos magnetizing millenials. True, they did not experience Martial Law. But they are well-educated and have guardians who had at least a glimpse of the evil of Martial Law. Still, they seem to be reading or listening to a different version of history. They seem to agree with Bongbong that we should “unite and move on.” No argument can be made against moving on united. Nevertheless, I who suffered ignominy..... [full text] The Freeman's...