
Showing posts with the label memoir

Library booklist (H:gR)

No Souvenirs: Journal 1957-1969 Mircea Eliade Autbiography I Mircea Eliade Autbiography II Mircea Eliade Moscow and Beyond Andrei Sakharov Walker Percy: A Life Patrick Samway The Correspondence of Shelby Foote and Walker Percy Jay Tolson           Francis: Pope of a New World Andrea Tornielli R.V.W.: A Biography of Ralph Vaughan Williams Ursula Vaughan Williams   

Front Matter (prologue) Father Joe: The Man Who Saved My Life by Tony Hendra

Father Joe The Man Who Saved My life by Tony Hendra Prologue There he stands on the muddy clay of the little promontory, hands under scapular for warmth in the chill, his wide rubbery mouth beaming serenely at the gray turmoil of the English Channel . Hooked over vast ears, framing a fleshy groundhog nose and bat­tered granny glasses, is his black monk’s cowl, ancient and rudimen­tary shield against the blustery rain. Farther down: irredeemably flat feet in black socks and big floppy sandals, these emerging from scruffy black robes whipped by the squalls and revealing—if you’re lucky glimpses of white English knees so knobbly they could win prizes. Dom Joseph Warrilow is his formal monastic name, but every­one calls him Father Joe. I have seen him in this pose and place countless times down the years, in the flesh or in my mind’s eye. Never once have I been able to stop a smile from coining to my lips. He’s as close to a cartoon monk as you could imagine. And he ...

Books sorted (Alec Guinness and Albert Schweitzer)

H:aB1, H:hStb, H:bS3b A Positively Final Appearance by Alec Guinness Blessings in Disguise by Alec Guinness   My Name Escapes Me by Alec Guinness Reverence for Life by Albert Schweitzer  Albert Schweitzer: An Anthology 

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 6)

The Parish by Alice Taylor   North to the Orient by Anne Morrow Lindbergh The Bondwoman's Narrative by Hannah Crafts   Scorsese on Scorsese edited by David Thompson   Grace Like A River by Christopher Parkening   Alicia: My Story by Alicia Appleman-Jurman Our Kate by Catherine Cookson The Autobiography and Other Writings by Benjamin Franklin Wild Swans by Jung Chang The World The World by Norman Lewis

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 5)

Part of a Journey by Philip Toynbee   Lenten Lands by Douglas Gresham Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes Hand to Mouth by Paul Auster Inside the Third Reich by Albert Speer Are You Somebody? by Nuala O'Faolain Itinerary: an Intellectual Journey by Octavio Paz A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken   Isaac Stern: My First 79 Years by Isaac Stern with Chaim Potok

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 4)

Memoirs by Andrei Sakharov Miles: The Autobiography by Miles Davis The Prime of Life by Simone de Beauvoir One Writer's Beginnings by Eudora Welty My Year Off by Robert McCrum An Italian Education by Tim Parks Hallelujah Junction: Composing an American Life by John Adams A Step from Death: A Memoir by Larry Woiwode   Parish the Thought by Bernard Ruane  Along the Way by Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez 

Books sorted (autobiography, memoirs 3)

The Green Stick 1 by Malcolm Muggeridge  American Bishop at the Vatican Council by Robert Tracy Musical Memories by Camille Saint-Saens  The Incompleat Folksinger by Pete Seeger   Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber  Long Time Gone by David Crosby Father Joe by Tony Hendra  Beirut Fragment by Jean Said Makdisi  The Education of a Wandering Man by Louis L'Amour