
Showing posts with the label time

Here and Now with Francis: 1/29/19 (Christ, youth, time, meaning, vocation)

From a homily You, dear young people, are not the future. We like to say, “you are the future”. No, you are the present. You are not the future of God, you young people are the now of God . In Jesus, the promised future begins and becomes life. When? Now. Yet not everyone who was listening felt invited or called. Not all the residents of Nazareth were prepared to believe in someone they knew and had seen grow up, and who was now inviting them to realize a long-awaited dream. Not only that, but they said, “Is not this Joseph’s son?” ( Lk 4:22 ). The same thing can also happen with us. We do not always believe that God can be that concrete and commonplace, that close and real, and much less that he can become so present and work through somebody like a neighbour, a friend, a relative. We do not always believe that the Lord can invite us to work and soil our hands with him in his Kingdom in that simple and blunt a way. It is hard to accept that “God’s love can become concrete ...

#gabitaykoRefEd (Dante)

With the mainsail of reason adjusted to the breeze of my desire, I launch on the deep with hope of pleasant voyage. When we look into the cause of what annoys us, we find that in every case it comes from not knowing how best to use time. —Dante Alighieri

Broadening Reason about

Time [Read Full Text]

Here and Now with Francis 8/8/16 (Christ, vigilance, expectation, time, eternity)

May the Virgin Mary help us to be persons and communities not focused on the present, or, worse, the nostalgic about the past, but turned towards the future of God, towards the encounter with him, our life and our hope. From the angelus Earlier, the pope had commented the Gospel reading of the day (Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, C) concerning three parables on vigilance (Lk, 12:32-48). "The first,” he explained, “is the parable of the servants who wait during the night for the return of the master. ‘Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival’ (v. 37). It is the blessedness of waiting with faith for the Lord, of getting ready in an attitude of service. He becomes present every day, knocking on the door of our heart. And blessed will be those who open it because they will have a great reward: for the Lord himself will be the servant of his servants; in the great feast of his Kingdom, he will himself serve them. “With this parable, set at ni...

Books sorted (science and scientists 2)

The Electron by Robert Andrews Millikan What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry Fodor Prize Fight by Morton Meyers   Genes, Dreams, and Realities by Burnet Maclarlane  pe Darwin and the Modern View by John Greene  Fifty Years of Genetic Load: An Odyssey by Bruce Wallace Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo  The Firmament of Time by Loren Eisley The Creative Process ed by Brewster Ghiselin 

Library booklist (L:fLB5)

The Firmament of Time by Loren Eisley The Creative Process ed by Brewster Ghiselin  The Taste of Wine by Jilly Goolden  

Here and Now with Francis 1/4/16 (Mary, Jesus, time, peace, Church)

From the homily The fullness of time, then, is the presence of God himself in our history.  Now we can see his glory, which shines forth in the poverty of a stable; we can be encouraged and sustained by his Word, made “little” in a baby.  Thanks to him, our time can find its fullness.  Nonetheless, this mystery constantly clashes with the dramatic experience of human history.  Each day, as we seek to be sustained by the signs of God’s presence, we encounter new signs to the contrary, negative signs which tend to make us think instead that he is absent.  The fullness of time seems to fade before the countless forms of injustice and violence which daily wound our human family.  Sometimes we ask ourselves how it is possible that human injustice persists unabated, and that the arrogance of the powerful continues to demean the weak, relegating them to the most squalid outskirts of our world.  We ask how long human evil will continue to sow violence and h...

Library Booklist (H:fS3b)

Living the Truth in Love by +Benedict Ashley On Heaven and Earth by Jorge Mario Bergoglio Generating Traces in the History of the World by Luigi Giussani The Risk of Education by Luigi Giussani Simon, Called Peter by Mauro Lepori Temporal and Eternal  by Charles Peguy Faith Hope Love by Josef Pieper